Central Connecticut Region Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Advisory Committee Meeting November 17, 2014
Meeting agenda Introduction of project Discussion of planning process Overview of 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan Overview of work already completed Discussion of roles and responsibilities Discussion of next steps Q&A
Project introduction The purpose of the project is to update the seven-town region’s FEMA-approved Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP). Each municipality is required to have a NHMP to be eligible for certain FEMA funding sources (HMGP, PDM, FMA, SRL, ect…) Designed to form the foundation for each community’s long-term strategy for reducing the damage caused by disasters and recovering from them quicker and more fully. Includes an analysis of conditions, identification of past disasters, identification of likely disasters, and mitigation measures.
Project introduction continued Mitigation measures include: Infrastructure: such as hardened electrical infrastructure, improved drainage, rebuilt roads, strengthened flood control devices, etc.. Structural: relocation of critical facilities, removal of repetitive loss properties, raising of foundations, installation of backup generators, creation of shelters and emergency control centers, etc. Regulatory and planning: building codes, subdivision regulations, low-impact development standards, zoning codes, flooding studies, etc. Education and awareness: disaster preparedness information, emergency alert systems, incident reporting systems, business/homeowner outreach campaigns, etc.
Planning process Data collection and update of previous plan Update of HAZUS hazard simulation Risk analysis Public outreach plan Town updates (capabilities, policies, activities) Mitigation project prioritization Plan maintenance strategy Submission to DEEP/DEMHS/FEMA Town adoption Implementation
Overview of 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan Approved in June 2011 Expires June 2016 Considered: floods, dam failure, winter storms (ice and snow), hurricanes and tornadoes, drought, wildfires, and earthquakes. Each municipality had their own goals and objectives (see handout) Primarily focused on flooding and winter storms
Overview of work already completed Data analysis and collection: 75% complete HAZUS simulation and analysis: 80% complete Town updates: 20% complete Update of disaster history: 95% complete Update of risk analysis: 50% complete
Roles and responsibilities CCRPA and CRCOG (after December 31, 2014): Data analysis HAZUS simulation GIS mapping Project ranking Update of plan text Analysis of town policies and regulations (with town input) Document layout and preparation Submitting document for review Addressing required revisions Assisting towns with adopting the plan
Roles and responsibilities (cont…) CCRPA municipalities Review town goals/objectives/strategies Provide information on recent town activities Provide information on impacts from recent storms Provide information on town policies and regulations Brief town officials on plan Submit projects for inclusion in the plan (require for FEMA funding of projects) Assist with getting plan adopted by town
Next steps Finalize data, HAZUS, risk, and disaster analyses Towns submit updates to CCRPA/CRCOG Towns submit projects to CCRPA/CRCOG Schedule public involvement meetings (try to have one per town) Second advisory committee meeting (January or February)
Q&A ?