Leaving Certificate Biology DNA & Protein Synthesis iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
Which of the following is not associated with the structure of DNA? GuaninePyrimidine PhosphateAdenosine
The ‘t’ in tRNA stands for… TransferTranscription TranslationTransformation
Name the nitrogen containing compound that is one of the purine nucleotide bases of DNA and RNA. CytosineAdenine ThymineRibose
The scientists that discovered the double helix were… Edward & JennerCrick & Watson Joly & DixonCalvin & Krebs
During the formation of base pairs guanine always bonds with … AdenineThymine UracilCytosine
What is the method used for separating the fragments of DNA when getting a DNA fingerprint? Gene pharmingGenetic screening Gel electrophoresisGene linkage
The sequence of three nucleotides in messenger RNA that codes for a single amino acid is called a … TriploidCodon GenomeVirion
What is the name of the five- carbon monosaccharide sugar found in the nucleotides of DNA? DeoxyriboseRibose GlucoseFructose
Tests to identify the presence or absence of changed or harmful genes possessed by an individual is called … Genetic engineering Genetic screening Gene therapy Genetic fingerprinting
What term is given to a spontaneous change in the sequence of nitrogenous bases in a gene or a chromosome? MutagenMetamorphosis MutationMutualism
What term is given to the making of mRNA using a single strand of DNA as a template? TranslocationTransformation TranslationTranscription
An enzyme that recognises specific nucleotide sequences on DNA molecules and cuts the DNA strands at those sites is called … Recombinant enzyme Catalase Restriction enzyme Severing enzyme
The term given to modern techniques or processes used to artificially alter the genetic information in the chromosome of an organism is genetic … Screening MutatingFingerprinting Engineering
Name the enzyme involved in protein synthesis which manufactures mRNA using DNA as a template. DNA polymeraseRNA polymerase DNA transcriptaseRNA transcriptase
If GTA is the base sequence on a section of DNA which of the following is the corresponding sequence on tRNA? CATGTA CAUGUA
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