long polymers (thousands) of nucleotides therefore, sometimes called polynucleotides each nucleotide consists of 3 parts 1.a phosphate group 2.a pentose sugar called deoxyribose in DNA (or ribose in RNA) 3.in DNA/RNA, five nitrogen bases (only need to recognize these) DNA - thymine(T), cytosine(C), adenine(A) and guanine(G) RNA - uracil is substituted for thyamine
Warning: Lots of pictures of nucleotides
Condensation reaction the joining of nucleotides with a phosphodiester bond to form a sugar-phosphate backbone
RNADNA sugar is ribose (OH is on 2’ carbon) sugar is deoxyribose (H is on 2’ carbon) contains the base uracil contains the base thyamine single strandedtwo strands forming a double helix held together by hydrogen bonds
complementary base pairing the size and shape of the bases is such that hydrogen bonds can only form at specific sites adenine only bonds with thymine guanine only bonds with cytosine twisting of DNA this minimizes the repulsion between negatively charged phosphates
inherit genetic material from parents genetic info. on DNA allows proteins to be made through the process of transcription and translation
Transcription and Translation
commonly known as ‘DNA fingerprinting’ method used to identify individuals by similarities or differences in their DNA isolation of the DNA from a sample source blood, semen, skin cells, hair or saliva DNA is the cut up with enzymes and replicated these DNA fragments are then separated into bands according to size using gel electrophoresis the resulting pattern is transferred to a nylon membrane, labeled with radioactive 32 P, and exposed to x-ray film film is finally compared to other samples of DNA