Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Season of Advent The shepherds visit 19 th December 2013 Collect at least £1 for Friday’s non-school uniform Day Money raised for WellChild and the NSPCC
Gather The Lord be with you And also with you
Receive There were some shepherds in that part of the country who were spending the night in the fields, taking care of their flocks. The angel of the Lord shone over the. They were terribly afraid, but the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid! I am here with good news for you, which will bring great joy to all the people. This very day in David’s town your Saviour was born—Christ the Lord! And this is what will prove it to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great army of heaven’s angels appeared with the angel, singing praises to God: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!” When the angels went away from then back into heaven, the shepherd said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and saw the baby lying in the manger. When the shepherds saw him, they told them what the angel had said about the child. All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said. Mary remembered all these things and thought deeply about them. The shepherds went back, singing praises to God for all they had heard and seen; it had been just as the angel had told them. Luke 2: 8-20 Watch another excerpt from the Nativity Story Or this cartoon
Discuss / drama The shepherds were outsiders…. Who do you think God would come to if the nativity happened today? (who are outsiders in our society) Create some role plays about the angels appearing to the shepherds—make it into a modern-day situation…. Christmas—get in the party mood Organise your party for tomorrow as part of worship today —remember the reasons for having parties at Christmas—the joy that Christians share remembering God being with us in the person of Jesus Remember the reason for the season from Charlie Brown The prayer of the shepherds A variation of the Night before Christmas Shepherd songs He chose the shepherds (cheese alert!) Choral—while shepherds watched their flocks Engage
Respond Lord Jesus Christ, your birth at Bethlehem draws us to kneel with the shepherds in wonder at heaven touching earth: accept our heartfelt praise as we worship you, our Saviour and our eternal God.Amen.
Go Christ, worshipped by the shepherds, Let us go in humility and praise. Amen Tutors–please take the Non-School Uniform Day money to the Finance Office or Student Reception Clearly label your form group