Central American Integration System Deforestation Conference 2010 Introduction Task Rubric Conclusion CreditsProcess
Introduction Deforestation is a major issue in Central America. The region is experiencing deforestation at a rate of 704,250 acres per year. That is close to 2,000 acres per day. ( Th e Central American Integration System (CAIS) has decided to address the issue of deforestation in its member states.CAIS is proposing the use of cap-and- trade to help limit deforestation. Your president has decided to personally attend the deforestation debate and needs your help creating his official stance. You are to work together as a team to prepare for the debate. Introduction TaskProcessRubricConclusion Credits
Task You are to work in your group to prepare for the debate. Decide in your group which member will be responsible for each task. Then using the resources tab, research your topic. Write a summary paper based off of your research. Then collaborate with your group to decide if your country is for or against the cap-and-trade resolution. Once all countries have reached a decision we will have a mock debate with the entire class to determine if the CAIS will ratify the cap-and-trade resolution. IntroductionTaskProcessRubricConclusion Credits
Work as a team to divide the work ·President: research the government and speak at debate ·Environmental Advisor: research the environmental problems caused by deforestation and deforestation rates in your country in order to be able to advise your president before and during the debate. ·Political Anthropologist: research the culture of your country to determine, what culture and racial groups live in your country, how they are affected by deforestation and how they feel about efforts to stop deforestation in order to be able to advise your president before and during the debate. ·Economic Advisor: research your country's national product to decide how curbing deforestation would effect your country's economy in order to be able to advise your president before and during the debate. President Environmental Advisor Political Anthropologist Economic Advisor
Using the resources listed on the resource tab, find the answers to the following questions. Compile your answers into a research paper. Your paper should be at least 1.5 pages long. Make sure the heading of your paper reads "Presidential Report". Compile your paper with the papers written by your team. Staple and turn the whole project in together. Make sure to include a cover sheet for the group paper. After everyone finishes their paper, get together as a group. Allow each group member time to debrief other members on their research. Make sure you contribute by telling other members about your research into the government. Focus on how each team member's research helps the group understand the issue of deforestation by presenting multiple view points on the issue. Decide as a group if your country is for or against the cap-and-trade resolution. If you are for the cap-and-trade resolution, decide if your country wants to put a low cap on its deforestation percentage and sell deforestation rights to other countries, or if your country wants to put a high cap on deforestation and purchase deforestation rights from other countries. 1. How is the president of your country elected and how long is a presidential term? 2. Who is the current president of your country and how much longer is their term? 3. What are the major political parties of your country? Where does each party stand on the issues? With which party is the current president aligned? 4. How are the other branches of your government elected, and how long are their terms? 5. How stable is your government? Resources
Using the resources listed on the resource tab, find the answers to the following questions. Compile your answers into a research paper. Your paper should be at least 1.5 pages long. Make sure the heading of your paper reads "Environmenal Report". Compile your paper with the papers written by your team. Staple and turn the whole project in together. Make sure to include a cover sheet for the group paper. After everyone finishes their paper, get together as a group. Allow each group member time to debrief other members on their research. Make sure you contribute by telling other members about your research into the environmental impacts of deforestation. Focus on how each team member's research helps the group understand the issue of deforestation by presenting multiple view points on the issue. Decide as a group if your country is for or against the cap-and-trade resolution. If you are for the cap-and-trade resolution, decide if your country wants to put a low cap on its deforestation percentage and sell deforestation rights to other countries, or if your country wants to put a high cap on deforestation and purchase deforestation rights from other countries. 1. What countries or bodies of water border your country? 2. What ecosystems exist in your country? a. How much of your country is classified as each type of environment? 3. What are rainforest and what are the rainforest strata layers? 4. What percentage of your country is rainforest? 5. How quickly are rainforest in your country disappearing? 6. Can rainforest come back? 7. Are rainforest beneficial? 8. Name and describe at least 3 ways that deforestation of the rainforest, either positively or negatively, affect the environment of your country 9. Name and describe at least 2 ways that deforestation of the rainforest, either positively or negatively, affect the world's environment Resources
Using the resources listed on the resource tab, find the answers to the following questions. Compile your answers into a research paper. Your paper should be at least 1.5 pages long. Make sure the heading of your paper reads "Cultural Report". Compile your paper with the papers written by your team. Staple and turn the whole project in together. Make sure to include a cover sheet for the group paper. After everyone finishes their paper, get together as a group. Allow each group member time to debrief other members on their research. Make sure you contribute by telling other members about your research into the cultural impacts of deforestation. Focus on how each team member's research helps the group understand the issue of deforestation by presenting multiple view points on the issue. Decide as a group if your country is for or against the cap-and-trade resolution. If you are for the cap-and-trade resolution, decide if your country wants to put a low cap on its deforestation percentage and sell deforestation rights to other countries, or if your country wants to put a high cap on deforestation and purchase deforestation rights from other countries. 1. What is the total population of your country? 2. What major cultural/racial groups live in your country? Briefly describe each. What sets them apart from other groups? What percentage of your population does each represent? Do they have traditions or believes specific to their group? 3. What is your country's literacy rate? 4. What percentage of your population is urban/rural? 5. What is your population density a. total population density b. urban population density c. rural population density 6. What language(s) are spoken in your country? 7. How does your population interact with the rainforest? 8. Is their any folk lure in your country about the rainforest? 9. How is your population affected by deforestation? Resources
Using the resources listed on the resource tab, find the answers to the following questions. Compile your answers into a research paper. Your paper should be at least 1.5 pages long. Make sure the heading of your paper reads "Economic Report". Compile your paper with the papers written by your team. Staple and turn the whole project in together. Make sure to include a cover sheet for the group paper. After everyone finishes their paper, get together as a group. Allow each group member time to debrief other members on their research. Make sure you contribute by telling other members about your research into the economical impacts of deforestation. Focus on how each team member's research helps the group understand the issue of deforestation by presenting multiple view points on the issue. Decide as a group if your country is for or against the cap-and-trade resolution. If you are for the cap-and-trade resolution, decide if your country wants to put a low cap on its deforestation percentage and sell deforestation rights to other countries, or if your country wants to put a high cap on deforestation and purchase deforestation rights from other countries. 1. What is your country's currency? 2. What is your country's GDP (purchasing power parity)? Where do the fall on the ranking system? 4. What is the average salary of an individual living in your country? 5. What are the top 3 industries in your country? a. How much money do they bring into your country? b. What percentage of your GNP do they represent? c. How many people do they employ and what is their average salary? d. How do they contribute or benefit from deforestation or conservation? e. How would they be affected by reducing deforestation? 6. Which industries in your country are involved with deforestation? a. How much do these industries contribute to your GNP? b. How many people do they employ and what is their average salary? c. Could these industries do anything to alter their practices to avoid deforestation? d. How would they be affected by reducing deforestation? Resources
factbook/region/region_cam.html tml l=dir america / Text book Library Try also Internet resources IntroductionTaskProcessRubricConclusion Credits
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factbook/region/region_cam.html htm tml n.htm l=dir / tree.com/ america / Text book Library Try also Resources Internet resources IntroductionTaskProcessRubricConclusion Credits
htm tml n.htm l=dir tree.com/ america / Text book Library Try also Resources Internet resources IntroductionTaskProcessRubricConclusion Credits
CATEGORY or less Amount of Information All questions are answered and additional information is presented. All questions answered. 1 question unanswered. 2 questions were not answered. Multiple questions unanswer ed Quality of Information 100% of questions are answered correctly, and any additional information presented is also correct. 100% of questions answered correctly. 1 question not answered correctly 2 questions answered incorrectl y Multiple questions answered incorrectl y Collaboration All surveys say that you worked well with others and contributed. In addition at least one student said you helped them with their project. All surveys say that you worked well with others and contributed. One survey says you did not work well with others or did not contribute. Multiple surveys say that you did not work well with others or did not contribute, but teacher observed some effort. Multiple surveys say you did not work well with others or did not contribute. Timeliness Assignment completed with time to spare On time1 day late 2 days late Multiple days late Individual paper grade Organized into paragraphs with consistent font. Pictures or diagrams included to clarify topic. Organized into paragraphs with consistent font. Either organized into paragraphs or consistent font, but both not present. Not organized into paragraph s and inconsiste nt font. appears cut and pasted. IntroductionTaskProcessRubricConclusion Credits
Now you should be ready to meet with your groups and decide your position on cap-and-trade. Please make sure to participate in the in-group discussion so that your president will be well informed when he goes into the class debate. Good Luck. Represent your country well. IntroductionTaskProcessRubricConclusion Credits
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