Steve Petch Sunday 29 th July 2012 Extravagant Worship John 12 v
What do you think of when I say worship? Often we think of singing/dancing etc This passage contains two very different types of worship (but no singing!) One was acceptable to Jesus, the other one grieved his heart God is free to choose what he accepts as worship! Extravagant Worship
Heart Devotion or Surface Commitment? Extravagant Worship
Costly or Cheap? Extravagant Worship
Intimate Relationship or Distant Curiosity? Extravagant Worship
Prophetic or Nostalgic? Extravagant Worship
Understanding or Ignorance? Extravagant Worship Understand: Who Jesus is Who you are Who you become in Jesus
Mary’s worship was accepted by Jesus John 12 v 7 Extravagant Worship The crowd grieved Jesus’ heart Luke 19 v
What about our worship? Extravagant Worship Accepted by Jesus: Heart Devotion Costly Genuine Relationship Prophetic With Understanding Grieved Jesus: Surface Commitment Cost Nothing Distant Curiosity Nostalgic Ignorant
Steve Petch Sunday 29 th July 2012 Extravagant Worship John 12 v