We are so glad you came to worship with us today! If you are visiting with us for the first time please visit the Welcome Table to receive more information about our church and be sure to pick up your free gift.
See your bulletin insert to see how you can participate. HAITI Back-to-School Supply Drive See your bulletin insert to see how you can participate.
The event takes place on Sunday, Aug. 28th, but if you have a suggestion for a project need or would like to purchase a t-shirt for the event, please fill out that information this week. See the two inserts in your bulletin about ONEDAY for all the details.
Come out to Borst Park in Centralia for our last game this season on Friday, Aug. 12th at 6:15pm on field #2 and cheer on our CHCC Softball Team.
THANK YOU Pastor Shawn & Laura! Today we are thanking Pastor Shawn and Laura Hall for their years of service here at Cooks Hill and the impact they have made in our lives.
Finance Committee Meeting Thursday, Aug. 11th 6:30pm
EVERYONE is invited to join us for our Cooks Hill This Friday, August 12th at 8:00pm FAMILY MARSHMALLOW ROAST We will be roasting marshmallows and singing camp fire songs. See your bulletin for details.
to the SW Washington Fair on Sunday, Aug. 21st KACS is bringing three free concerts: Sunflowerz 3:00pm The Voetberg Family 4:30pm Ernie Haase + Signature Sound 5:00pm to the SW Washington Fair on Sunday, Aug. 21st We also have a few of our Cooks Hill family that will be performing at the fair. See your bulletin for details.
Usher & Greeter Meeting Sunday, August 21st following the worship service in room B-2 Please plan to attend if possible. This is an important meeting.
for our hike to Packwood Lake. Please see your bulletin for details. We would like to invite all women to join us Saturday, Aug. 20th for our hike to Packwood Lake. Please see your bulletin for details.
Looking Ahead… Aug. 15 - Youth Leadership Team Meeting Aug. 20 - ALB Meeting Women’s Hip Hikers Meeting Aug. 21 - Usher/Greeter Meeting Aug. 25 - Classy Quilters Aug. 28 - Ice Cream Social Looking Ahead…