After War of 1812 Surge in nationalism Period of James Monroe’s presidency One-party system Improved infrastructure and protected the domestic economy
Spain lost its empire and wanted it back Russia was entering N.A. in the West U.S. had to respond Monroe Doctrine European powers will stay out of N.A. The U.S. will stay out of Europe’s affairs
1. Roads and Turnpikes -National road (MD to WV) -most toll roads built by private companies 2. Canals -Erie Canal (connected Lake Erie and Hudson River) -steamboats and barges moved items faster
3. Railroads - “Iron Horse” -could go nearly anywhere -steam powered
1. Urbanization a. Positives: - many workers - factories - blend of cultures b. Negatives - crime - overcrowding - public health problems
2. Education - middle and upper class boys - available to women after 1830s (still mainly taught at home) 3. Commerce -goods could be bought instead of produced (bread, clothes, candles)
4. Farm Life - still the leading economic activity - entire family shared the work - produced a surplus; supplied the Eastern cities with food
1. Cotton becomes King - production doubled between 1820 and 1840, then again 1840 and sold to Europe 2. Remained mainly rural - three big cities: Baltimore, Charleston, New Orleans 3. Very little industry - did have: coal and copper mines, textile mills, and ironworks
4. Relied heavily on imports -clothing and food 5. Defined class structure a. Wealthy planters - smallest group - made the most money b. Yeoman farmers -majority of population -held fewer than 4 slaves
c. White, rural poor - lived on unfarmable land - raised animals d. Slaves -93% of African Americans were enslaved - made up about 37% of the pop. in the South