Cryptography Fundamentals Author : Ammar Hasayen Twitter: @ammarhasayen Web: About me : Contact me : Presentation: Cryptography Fundamentals Version : 1.0 Duration : 30 minutes Written on Feb 2014 Note: Feel free to use this presentation at your side. Ammar Hasayen
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SPARTANS MILITARY (GREEKS) kryptos gráphō hidden writing Cryptography
Before and after
How things worked before Corporate walls Badges Face to Face Paper work Confidentiality Authenticity Trust Delivery Historically speaking, all work is done inside corporate walls. Investments were in secure walls, physical security and security cameras. Identity is identified by corporate badges. The badge contains the person’s name, picture and perhaps his role in the corporate. Most interactions were face to face, so authenticity was achieved by identifying people faces and badges. Most of the work was paper work and lot of archives. Confidentiality were archived by stamping papers as confidential and may be secure them in a closed room. Authenticity were archived by manual signatures or stamps. Trust is hard to achieve as you have to trust the signature in the paper or the badge that people are wearing. If you want to move papers around, you have to trust the courier.
Digital Collaboration How things working Now World is the limit Digital ID Virtual Team Digital Collaboration Anywhere BYOD Wireless Nowadays, the world is the limit. You are dealing with people who you do not know or did not meet before. Corporates are big, and within the same corporate, you are exchanging information with people you do not know. Virtual teams are popular know. Teams do not have to be physical located in the same room or floor. Digital Collaboration with Email, IM, Conferencing and Chat rooms are the way to communicate inside corporates. All this push the need to define a solid and secure digital identity that your business can depend on as a platform for all digital collaboration and transactions. Even worst, People are working from home, internet cafes and while traveling. The need to provide secure remote access has never been urgent as nowadays. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is another concern. You can see people with more than device, and synching corporate email from different devices, and may be doing VOIP calls from another. Wireless is everywhere, and securing wireless network is a must. You need a way to authenticate the access point to avoid wireless attacks. And finally, everyone is paying online, credit cards information should be transmitted securely and stored securely. E-transactions
C.I.A Confidentiality Integrity Authenticity
Confidentiality Encryption …. Confidentiality Encryption
Encryption – via Key Symmetric Encryption Key (K) Encrypted Message Encryption Algorithm Encrypted Message Message Symmetric Encryption Key (K)
Encryption – Current Standards AES DES 3DES
…. Integrity Hashing
Changing Content Key (K) Encrypted Message Message Encryption Algorithm Hack Encrypted Message Message Key (K) 2 aspirin /day 20 aspirin /day
Integrity via Hash Unique Message Hash Value 001001001 111001110 Hash Algorithm Unique Hash Value Message We are all Moath Hash Algorithm 001001001 Wee are all Moath Hash Algorithm 111001110
Complete Solution Encrypted Message Message Unique Hash Value Encryption Algorithm Encrypted Message Key (K) Message Hash Algorithm Unique Hash Value
Key (K) Message Encrypted Message Unique Hash Value Unique Hash Value Encryption Algorithm Message Encrypted Message Hash Algorithm Key (K) Unique Hash Value Unique Hash Value
Hash – Current Standards MD5 SHA-2 SHA1
…. Thank You