A Snapshot
What Next? Strategic Planning What If? Scenario Planning What Now? Situational Planning
Is A Process “Planning is not an event. It is a continuous process of strengthening what works and abandoning what does not, of making risk taking decisions with the greatest knowledge of their potential effect, of setting objectives, appraising performance and results through systematic feedback, and making ongoing adjustments as conditions change.” Peter Drucker
Of Discovery God is the author of vision. Your job is not to create a vision for your school. Rather it is to discover the future God has already designed for your school. That requires both humility. grace. It also requires passion, creativity, discipline and tenacity.
Which Unleashes the Efforts of Exceptional People “If you have the right people, with the right character, they will do everything within their power to build a great organization because they simply cannot imagine settling for anything less.” Jim Collins, Good to Great
Designed to clarify what is non-negotiable “The box takes a beating in the creative process. Nothing of value, it would seem, ever occurs there. In reality, nothing of value can occur without the box. If creativity represents the flexible mind at work, the box represents the structure needed to give that creativity purposeful form. We must engage in problem solving approaches that provides for the mental flexibility to consider nonstandard options without discarding the benefits of structure. Mark Eppler, The Wright Way
Your mission Your passion Your core values Your foundational beliefs Your commitment to excellence
Your customer – those you are called to serve Your vision – what you hope to become Your strategies – how you do what you do
Investigate Current Reality “You absolutely cannot make good decisions without first confronting the brutal facts. Leadership is about vision. It is also about reality. Failure to understand that can have devastating consequences.” Jim Collins, Good to Great
Determine What Is Most Important Right Now Of all the things we could do, what is most essential? Key factors Limit, limit, limit Focus on strengths rather than weaknesses Focus on current gifts and passions Is there a Blue Ocean Strategy?
Vision is not simply about more. It is about doing one thing with ever increasing excellence to ever increasing impact in the lives of those you are called to serve.
Create a Clear Road Map “A vision without a plan to execute is probably just a hallucination.” Steven Case, founder of AOL
To Periodically... Revisit Review Refine
To Continuously Align What is Core With Everyday Practice... “An organization has integrity – is healthy – when it is whole, consistent, and complete, that is, when its management, operations, strategy, and culture fit together and make sense.” Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage