Designing Effective HRD Programs Chapter 5 Human Resource Development
Program Objectives Mager: “Description of a performance you want learners to be able to exhibit before you consider them competent” Specify what learners should be able to do, conditions under which they must do it, and criteria in judging success
Performance Objectives Objective Indicator Understand how to Discriminate between read X-rays normal and abnormal X-rays Knowledge of loans Recall procedure for making a loan Ability to read Identify transistors diagrams on a schematic diagram
False Objectives Show an appreciation for loan procedures Be able to think critically and analytically Have a deep awareness and thorough humanizing grasp of interpersonal relations
Conditions for Performance Relevant and important conditions under which performance is expected to occur “Repair a motor with two minor defects using a standard set of tools and diagrams”
Criterion for Performance How well trainees should be able to perform in order to be acceptable Includes speed, accuracy and quality Examples: finish in 20 minutes, no more that 2 errors, within a tolerance of.1 inch
Types of Training Objectives – Part 1 of 2 (Kirkpatrick) 1. Trainee Reaction Objectives: 2. Learning Objectives: Describes the desired trainee attitudinal and subjective evaluations of training Describes the type of behavior that will demonstrate the learning, the conditions under which the behavior must occur, and the criteria that will signify that a sufficient level of learning has occurred
Types of Training Objectives – Part 2 of 2 3. Transfer of Training Objectives: 4. Organizational Outcome Objectives : Describes job behaviors that will be affected by training, the conditions under which those behaviors must occur, and the criteria that will signify that a sufficient transfer of learning from training to the job has occurred Describes the organizational outcomes that will be affected by the transfer of learning to the job and the criteria that will signify that organizational outcome objectives have been achieved
Learning Objectives Improved – Part 1 of 2 Before Upon completion of training the trainee: After Upon completion of training the trainee: Will be able to apply theories of motivation to different situations After reading a scenario of an unmotivated student, and without the use of any outside material, identify orally to the class what you would do to motivate the student, and explain which theory you used and why. Trainee must identify at least 3 motivators and tie to correct theory. Must be correct on 4 of the 5 scenarios
Learning Objectives Improved – Part 2 of 2 Before Upon completion of training the trainee: After Upon completion of training the trainee: Will understand what is needed to have an effective team Will have knowledge of three types of active listening, and be able to use the appropriate one in a particular situation When asked, correctly identify to the trainer 5 things that are necessary to have an effective team. In a role play, appropriately respond to an angry comment using one of the active listening types, then correctly explain to the class which was used and why.
Purchasing HRD Programs Expertise Timeliness Number of trainees Subject matter – proprietary Cost Size of HRD
Selecting the Trainer Training competency Subject-matter expertise –Contract outside vendor –Team skilled trainers with subject- matter experts –Techniques not requiring trainer –Train-the-trainer programs
Preparing Lesson Plan Content to be covered Sequencing of activities Selection of training media Selection of exercises Timing and planning of each activity
Selecting Appropriate Training Methods Objectives of programs Time and money available Availability of resources Trainer and trainee characteristics and preferences