1 4 th Review Mission Arunachal Pradesh (16 th to 22 nd November, 2012) Arunachal Pradesh (16 th to 22 nd November, 2012)
2 District Visited by Review Mission Team
3 Smt. Rita Chatterjee, Joint Secretary, MHRD,GOI (Team Leader) Sri B. Yirang, Director of Elementary Education Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar Composition of Review Mission Composition of Review Mission Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
4 Sri M. Nyori, Deputy Director of School Education, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. (Nodal Officer MDM) Mr. Tanmoy Ghatak, Sr. Consultant, MHRD, GOI. Mr. Dinesh Pradhan, Consultant,MHRD, GOI. Dr. T. Lhungdim, Nodal Officer, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar Mission co-team members Mission co-team members Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
5 Terms of Reference of the Mission Terms of Reference of the Mission Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Review the system of fund flow from State Government to school / cooking agency level and time taken in this process. Review the management and monitoring system and its performance from State to school level. Review the progress of the programme during with respect to availability of foodgrains and funds at the school / cooking agency level, quality and regularity in serving the meal in the selected schools and districts, transparency in implementation, role of teachers, involvement of community, convergence with School Health Programme for supplementation of micronutrients and health check up etc.
6 Terms of Reference of the Mission Contd… Terms of Reference of the Mission Contd… Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Review the system of fund flow from State Government to school / cooking agency level and time taken in this process. Review the management and monitoring system and its performance from State to school level. Review the progress of the programme during with respect to availability of foodgrains and funds at the school / cooking agency level, quality and regularity in serving the meal in the selected schools and districts, transparency in implementation, role of teachers, involvement of community, convergence with School Health Programme for supplementation of micronutrients and health check up etc.
7 Terms of Reference of the Mission Contd… Terms of Reference of the Mission Contd… Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Assess the satisfaction of children, parents and teachers about the implementation and impact of the scheme. Review the maintenance of records at school / cooking agency level. Review the payment of cost of foodgrains to FCI Review the availability of infrastructure, its adequacy and source of funding. Give suggestions for improvement in the implementation of the programme
88 Places visited Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
9 Findings of the Review Mission Team in two districts Structure of the Presentation Pampum Pare West Kameng
10 Best Practices Best Practices Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Availability of Buffer Stock of Foodgrain in all the visited Schools. The Community involvement was found to be strong by virtue of the School Management Committee (SMC). Availability of Fire extinguishers in most of the visited schools Kitchen garden in few schools
11 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 1.Regularity of Meal: Disruption in 8 schools out of 34 visited schools in providing MDM in both the districts. 2.Cooking Cost : Delayed Payment of Cooking Cost leads to disruption, compromise of quality and takes off spirit of Scheme 2.Cooking Cost : Delayed Payment of Cooking Cost leads to disruption, compromise of quality and takes off spirit of Scheme. 3.Poor maintenance of records 4.High wastage of cooked meals specially in Papum Pare District. MAJOR AREAS OF CONCERN
12 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India MAJOR AREAS OF CONCERN Contd.. 5.Delayed Honorarium to Cooks and none payment as per entitlement. 6.Monotonous Menu and violation of food norms. 7.Non display of Menu and Logo in prominent place in the school. 8.Faculty construction of Kitchen-cum-Stores 9.School Health Program is non existent
13 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 10.Poor monitoring by higher authorities 11. Education Department has no control over sanitation matters 12.Teacher lack training and ability to run the program as per records. 13.In non of the schools eating plates have been provided. 14.Mismatch between foodgrain and cooking cost items. MAJOR AREAS OF CONCERN Contd..
14 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Suggestions Quarterly release of funds. District Authorities to train teachers to maintain records. To avoid wastage cooking should be started after children arrive at the school and it should not be as per enrolment. Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helper must be paid regularly as per entitlement.
15 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Suggestions contd… To avoid delay in releasing the funds GREEN CHANNEL SYSTEM should be adopted to the Schools from districts almost a year i.e. end of the financial year. All Schools be instructed display menu and MDM Logo at prominent place at the School. Kitchen-cum-Store should be constructed with better ventilation.
16 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Suggestions contd… Foodgrain should be supplied up to the school door step specially in West Kameng District. Eating plates should be provided to the children. Better convergence on School Health Programme. Better maintenace of inspection register. Setting up of State Project Unit(SPMU).
17 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Suggestions contd… The State Govt. should also constitute Review Mission Engagement of Data Entry operators to manage MIS integrated with IVRS at District Level. There should be better convergence with Public Health Engineering Department for regular water supply and maintenance of toilets in schools Children should not be used for distribution of cooked food.
18 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Suggestions contd… Children should not be used for distribution of cooked food as found in one school in West Kameng District. The State should move proposal to the Central Government for replacement of Kitchen Devices.
19 Average Attendance of the students in the visited schools
20 Average Attendance of the students in the visited schools
21 Data Entry Status on the Web Portal
22 Data Entry Status on the Web Portal :: District wise
23 Some pictures taken during visits Kitchen-cum-Store not in use
24 Some pictures taken during visits Good constructed Kitchen –cum-store
25 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Far way constructed and not in use Cooking back side of School building
26 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Store in good container Buffer stocks
27 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Buffer stock in dirty place
28 Cooked meal
29 Cooked in open space
30 LPG chula not in use Empty cylinder
31 Meal having in leaf
32 Plates bring from home
33 Meal is being served by girl Meal is being served by cook
34 Excess of cooked meal
35 Dirty kitchen-cum-store Irregularity of MDM in the schools
36 School Sub-centre situated near school in Upper Balupong,W. Kameng