TCUP Leadership Forum January 3, 2014 Sylvia M. James, Ed.D. Division Director, Human Resource Development (HRD)
HRD Vision: HRD envisions a well-prepared and competitive U.S. workforce of scientists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians, and educators that reflects the diversity of the U.S. population. (
HRD’s Strategic Goals The creation of new knowledge, innovations, and models for broadening participation in the STEM enterprise. The translation of knowledge, innovations, and models for broadening participation in STEM for use by stakeholders. The expansion of stakeholder capacity to support and engage diverse populations in high quality STEM education and research programs.
Broadening Participation in STEM EHR Vision: The directorate works toward that vision through its mission, which is to support the preparation of a diverse, globally competent STEM workforce and a STEM-literate citizenry through investment in research and development on STEM education and learning. STEM in the 2014 Budget: “The focus of the 2014 Budget’s undergraduate STEM investments is on implementing a cross-agency priority goal to increase the number of well-prepared graduates with STEM degrees by one million over the next 10 years.” (EHR 2014 Budget Request)
NSF Broadening Participation Priorities Preparing a diverse, globally engaged science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce; Integrating research with education, and building capacity; Expanding efforts to broaden participation from underrepresented groups and diverse institutions across all geographical regions in all NSF activities; and Improving processes to recruit and select highly qualified reviewers and panelists. BP Homepage:
Opportunities for Tribal Colleges and Universities Research Funding EHR TCUP, ATE, and …. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE): Supports research and development leading to and propagating interventions that improve both the quality and quantity of STEM graduates EHR Core Research (ECR) NSF : Provides funding in foundational research areas. EHR seeks proposals that will help synthesize, build and/or expand research foundations in the following core areas: STEM learning, STEM learning environments, workforce development, and broadening participation in STEM. STEM-C Partnerships (NSF ): Addresses both the need for advances in K-12 STEM education generally, as well as the need to elevate the inclusion of computer science education.
STEM Research Directorates NSF Broadening Participation Portfolio: bp_portfolio_dynamic.jsp Broadening Participation Focus Programs Broadening Participation Emphasis Programs
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-3: Building Diverse Communities IIA EPSC Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research: Workshop Opportunities (EPS-WO) All All General & Age-Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) ENG CBET NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics EHR DUE Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships GEO OCE Ocean Sciences Research Initiation Grants GEO OCE Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials MPS DMR Partnerships in Astronomy & Astrophysics Research and Education MPS AST Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology BIO Research on Education and Learning EHR DRL SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships SBE SMA NSF Broadening Participation Focused Programs
Broadening Participation Emphasis Programs Advancing Informal STEM Learning EHR DRL American Competitiveness in Chemistry-Fellowship MPS CHE Centers for Chemical Innovation MPS CHE EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ENG, MPS EFRI, CHE, DMR Gen-3 Engineering Research Centers (ERC): ENG EEC Graduate Research Fellowship Program All All Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers EHR DRL Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program All All International Research Experiences for Students All All Major Research Instrumentation Program: All All Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers MPS DMR Mentoring Through Critical Transition Points in the Mathematical Sciences MPS DMS NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships GEO EAR Postdoctoral Fellowships in Polar Regions Research GEO PLR Research Experiences for Undergraduates All All Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences MPS DMS Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships All All Science of Learning Centers All All STEM-C Partnerships: Computing Education for the 21st Century CISE, EHR ACI, CCF, CNS, IIS14-523
TCUP Building STEM Capacity in Tribal Colleges - Targeted STEM Infusion Projects (T-SIP) and Instructional Capacity Excellence in TCUP Institutions (ICE-T) Building STEM Research Capacity - Broadening Participation Research in STEM (BPR) Building Faculty Capacity – Catalyzing Opportunities in Research and Education (CORE) Building collaborations between TCUs and other academic and research institutions Highlighting the contributions of TCUs to STEM education, broadening participation, and STEM education research and… What else is needed??? Leadership development? Capacity building in STEM research?
QUESTIONS? Sylvia M. James