Presentation of Annual Progress Report Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Mathura-I, 44/1, Krishnapuri, Mathura (U.P)
Introduction District for which JSS sanctioned:Mathura Year Of Sanction : Category:C Name of the Parent Body/NGO:Akhil Bhartiya Brij Samaj Kalyan Sanstha Name of the Chairman:Shri Rajendra Verma
Status of BOM/Regular Director Board of Management (BOM) Date of Constitution of BOM Status of Regular Director -> Regular/In-chargeIn-charge If In-charge Director since when to till date. Action taken for appointment of regular DirectorProposal for Director’s selection (Annexure I and II) has been submitted to the Ministry of HRD.
Current Setup (Staff Position) S. NoName of PostRegular/In-Charge/Contractual 1Director-in-chargeContractual 2Program OfficerContractual 3Asst. Program OfficerContractual 4Asst. Program OfficerContractual 5Field SupervisorContractual 6Field SupervisorContractual 7Field SupervisorContractual 8Field SupervisorContractual 9Office AssistantContractual 10AccountantContractual 11Computer OperatorContractual 12DriverContractual 13PeonContractual 14Sweeper cum maidContractual
Vocational Courses conducted during (Part A & B) ProposedCompleted MaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal 1. Beneficiaries in vocational courses Beneficiaries covered in activities Drop Outs: 17
Educational status of the beneficiaries in vocational courses Sl. NO.Category of BeneficiariesTotal 1 Non-literates Neo-literates Rudimentary 757 Total 1833
Social status of the beneficiaries in vocational courses SCSTOBCMinoritiesOthersTotal No. of beneficiaries Percentage
Activities (All awareness programs including Saakshar Bharat) No. Name of the ActivityPlaceExpenditure incurred Name of the collaborating agency, if any May Day Rajiv Gandhi Sabhagar, Mathura 11,745 Zila Shiksha Sangthan, Mathura 2. World Environment Day Maharshi Dayanand School, Krishnapuri, Mathura 1657 Maharshi Dayanand School 3. World Population Day Mhawan, Baldeo block, Mathura 1456 Balika Shiksha Samiti, Mathra 4. International Literacy Day JSS Campus 8547 Lok Shiksha Samiti, Mathura 5. Ex-Trainees Meet JSS Premises 1234 Self 6. Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti JSS Premises 1641 Maharshi Dayanand School 7. World Aids Day Anta Pahara, Mathura 1660 Sanjivni (Family Counseling Center), Mathura 8. Organization of competition of beneficiaries on their vocational skills JSS Premises 940 Lok Shiksha Samiti, Mathura 9. Involvement of General Public in the competition related to vocational skills Chhauli, Post Baldev, Mathura 1940 Self 10. International Women Day JSS Premises 1260 Balika Shiksha Samiti, Mathra
Details of training programs attended by JSS Staff and Resource Persons of JSS as part of capacity building No. Name of the Training Program Name of staff member/ RP Duration Expenditure Incurred Name of the collaborating agency Record keepingMs. Santosh, Vimlesh, Lxmi, Dolly Sharma, Sashi, Rajni khandelwal, Geeta khandelwal, Rakhi, Renu Sharma, Hemlata, Mamta, Asha kumari, Mr. Brij Raj, Rajesh kumar, K.C. Pal, Manish District Urban Development Authority, Mathura 2. Capacity building Mr. Brij raj, Rajesh kumar, Nisha Mahor, Rekha kumari, Vineet kumar, Rakesh kumar, Manish, K.C. Pal, Ashish Sharma ITI, Mathura 3. How to conduct survey in grass root level & communication Skills Mr. B. K. Shukla, Mr. Braj Raj, Rajesh Kumar, Rekha Kumari, Mr Mohan Lal Lok Shiksha Samiti, Mathura 4 Demonstration of class room & Preparation of Teaching aid Vimlesh Devi, Sunita, Bhgwati, Akilesh gutam, Geeta, Sulekha, Manju, Shimona, Lajja devi, Chanchal Sharma, Rajesh kumar ITI, Mathura 5. Management of AccountsMr. B. K. Shukla, Manish Agarwal, K. C. Pal, Mr. Braj Raj, Rekha Kumari Shri Krishan Verma Company Charted Account. Mathura
Major Achievements, if any (in bullet points) 30 beneficiaries (Beauty Culture & Health Care) started their own Beauty Parlour and 10 beneficiaries got job in beauty parlour in Mathura. 16 beneficiaries (Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making) and 06 beneficiaries (Basic Electricals Training and Radio & Television Mechanism) started their own shops in Mathura. 12 SC beneficiaries has been submitted Loan Application Form through Jan Shikshan Sansthan-I to DUDA office and status of the case is in final stage. JSS Mathura-I organised sale of JSS product at district level in occasion of Gandhi Jayanti.