St. Peter’s C.E. Primary School Information about Year 3
General Information Teachers and Teaching Assistants: 3M - Mrs M c Kirgan, Mrs Watkins, Mrs Northwood, Mrs Petrie and Mrs Gregory. 3L – Mrs Laffey and Mrs Ward.
School day Doors open from 8.45 am Registration am Morning break – am Lunch – 1.30 Home time 3.20
Asthma If your child has asthma, please make sure that all necessary forms have been completed and that your child has the necessary inhalers and spacer in school and knows how to use them. If your child has any other medical issues or allergies please inform us.
Independence Please allow children to come in to school on their own in the morning. Arrange where on the yard you will meet your child at the end of the day. Year 3 children are dismissed from the classroom and not handed directly to parents. If you know you will be late collecting your child or need to change collection arrangements, please ring school to let us know. Children whose parents are not there to collect them will be told to come back in to school and wait for you outside the office. In this way, we all know they are safe.
Home Learning All children are expected to complete homework and hand it in promptly. Your child may have the following weekly homework: A spelling activity Times tables / Maths facts Daily reading Weekly talk homework However, there may be occasions when children are asked to do a brief additional homework, such as research or a mini project.
P.E. Days PE for 3L will be on Wednesday and 3M have PE on Thursday. Games for both classes will be on Tuesday. However, if possible, please could children have their PE kit in school every day so we can be flexible with our timetable and make the most of any dry weather!
P.E. Kit Navy St. Peter’s T shirt Navy or black shorts Pumps or trainers Tracksuit bottoms Sweatshirt Please remember that children cannot do PE whilst wearing earrings. Staff are not allowed to take children’s earrings out, therefore children need to be able to take their own earrings out, or preferably, not wear them on PE days. Nor can they do PE in their school shoes. Please ensure they have pumps or trainers in school and all kit is labelled.
Food Year 3 children no longer automatically receive a free school lunch or free fruit at break time. For break, children may bring in either fruit or a healthy snack from home. Alternatively, in Key Stage 2 we have a daily subsidised fruit shop. For 20p, children can buy a piece of fruit or a carton of fruit juice to enjoy at break. The children can pay daily, weekly or half termly. If you feel you may be entitled to free school meals, please collect a form from the office as soon as possible.
Topics We will be starting our learning with a theme entitled ‘Shaping Up’. This unit focuses on Science and PE. We will be learning about how our bodies work, a healthy diet, dental hygiene and the benefits of exercise.
Visitors and Trips Tuesdays through Autumn term ‘Reading the Game’ in association with STFC. Wednesday 7 th October – The Science Show at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury. Romeo and Juliet in school, Thursday 22 nd October. Wednesday 11 th November – cinema at Wem Town Hall.
Reminders… Encourage your child to bring their book bag containing reading book and diary every day. All uniform must be named. Lost property can be accessed via the school office. Children can bring in their own, named water bottle filled with water only, please. No Squash. Encourage children to return letters, monies and slips to the classroom and not the office; this develops independence and responsibility.
Working Together If you or your child have any worries or concerns, please come and speak to us directly. Issues addressed early are often easier to sort out.
Thank you! We are looking forward to an enjoyable and successful Year 3 working with you and your children.