El camino de Santiago.
ÍNDICE : EErmita de la Ascensión CCastle of Clavijo CCastle of Briones CChurche of San Bartolomé CCathedral of Saint Domingo of la Calzada CCastle of Aguas Mansas
The shortest rode of Santiago is in La Rioja. But however the art, the culture and social is complety necessary. The road in La Rioja it can be walked in 8 days for the fastes ones. It has more or less 120 kilometres frome one side of the road to the other.
The ermita de la ascension was built aroun the 12th and the 13th centuries. Half of the ermita is made with romanesque style and the othar half with gothic. It has two main windows.The inside is very simple it only has a font made up of stone. The main decoration is painted with ochre,red an black. The ship was rebuilt in 1949 so ephemeral, because in 1968 he returned to rebuild again.
The outside: The main door: The font: The inside:
is located in Algoncillo, the middle of La Rioja in the north was built By the Arabs before the tenth century, because of the important strategic position occupied. On the outside on the wall about 85 meters long, with horseshoe arches, through which you can access them. For people living in the town where is situated the castle is very meaningful to them, and imposes much
Here was fought the famous battle of Clavijo between the Christian forces of Ramiro I against the Saracens of Abderrahman II and was where he made his first appearance the Apostle James that determined the victory Batalla.When Christian Arabs built the castle, in century X, knew the important strategic location of its position. Within the walls of this castle was imprisoned in 960 the famous Count Fernan Gonzalez. In 1396 Diego López de Zúñiga handed it to his son Iñigo when he married Dona Juana de Navarra, illegitimate daughter of Charles the Noble
This castle in in the angle N-Y of the town,which grew out of urban settings defensive own character throughout the story had this priviligade place the border between Castile and Naverre.
Now a days the castle are mainly ruins: But is still one of the main attractions of the city:
Is a gotic church Upstairs are *depicted various scenes of life Saint Bartolome It has triple abside with both central and lateral semicircular square. It retains its structure with pointed arches baults of medio cañón¨n and oven When constructing the ghotic baultswere abolished cruciform pillars that servían to support arches and replaced by pillars octagonal. They, like a palm tree, they will stop the nerves of the baults and the pointed arches, which serve as separation between the *ships and the sections of the baults on the side walls were kept engaged columns, which recognise the strength of the arches fajones. Their capitals are *carved with motifs n the window vegetales.Bajo find another impost, in this case decorated with plant motifs. On the side walls are two *graves gotics *depicted-representado *graves-sepulcros *ships-naves *carved-esculpidos
The Church was founded by St. Dominic himself, who began in His style is a mix of Romanesque- Gothic. under the reign of Alfonso VII.. has numerous chapels with remains of distinguished knights. One of the jewels of the cathedral is the altarpiece by the sculptor Damián Forment left in the cathedral of his greatest works, the main altarpiece, now in the side of the cathedral. It was the only work done in wood. but died in 1540, left nearly finished the work, Renaissance style, the chorus, with its magnificent choir stalls and the cloister are three indisputable artistic attractions of the Cathedral of La Rioja The exterior stands out the Romanesque apse, and stained glass windows, baroque tower and two covers. The south door has a large arch
The bell tower. is free and was built in 1762 in baroque style by Martin Beratúa, and is the third tower that has been the cathedral. The first was done in her twelfth century and was destroyed by lightning in The second was dismantled in the eighteenth century because it threatened ruin. The current is 70 m. tall and is made up of three overlapping, on a square of side 9 meters. In the apse we see pointed archs,small windows with stained glass and the dome This is a estatue of Domingo
This information is from art guias and from a place called¨Camino de Santiago por la Rioja¨ THE END