AID and Dependency
Bilateral Aid is given from one country to another e.g. UK’s 4.5 million pound aid package to Angola in June 1995 to meet rehabilitation after WW11. Multilateral Aid is given by organisations e.g. World bank gave a 5 million pound to Narmarda river project in Northern India. Project Aid is given by a donor to special projects e.g. road building, water supplies, health and education (Donor has some control over the use of the loan) Types of AID View the sheet on the types of Aid in your booklet and answer the tasks
Problems with Aid. e.g. EU dumping food surpluses in Eastern Europe (CAP), they sent Rye to Latvia which reduced the price of local farmers produce. Quality is often poor e.g. 5 year olf wheat sent to Lithuania and sub standard meat to Albania + then the cost and space used in storage.
Motives for giving Aid Controversy surrounding tied aid i.e arrangement made between donor and recipient e.g. building a dam requires materials, specialists etc and who do you think provides this???? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work it out Aid is sometimes linked to weapons e.g. Cuba from Russia former Soviet Union in
NGOs Task: Read and take notes on the on the article on aid agencies in development as found in your booklet. You need to cover what NGOs are, examples e.g. Oxfam and how useful this form of Aid is (i.e. this form of aid is seen as meeting the needs of the poor people; the opposite of prestigious mega projects). Make notes on ITDG (Intermediate technology group) and give examples.
Read this article and answer the key question /may/25/africa-entrepreneurs-charity Use this link on the Geography web site and answer the question in the article /may/25/africa-entrepreneurs-charity