Chelsea Welch Beth Moger Colin Nugen Anthony Cangelosi Tully Baetz Charles Hartman December 1, 2009
Mission Overview Mission Statement: The BalloonSat will ascend to an altitude of 30 km carrying a Geiger counter that will detect the amount of radiation in the lower atmosphere as a function of altitude. What we expect to discover: We expect to discover a significant rise in the amount of beta particles and gamma rays detected within the ozone layer and at the peak of the flight of the BalloonSat, and a significant decrease in particles detected below the ozone layer where most of the harmful radiation has been filtered out.
The BalloonSat, Big Bang, is a 16 cm foam core cube. Big Bang carries an AVR Microcontroller, Analog Geiger counter, heater, a HOBO datalogger and a digital Camera. The AVR Board and the Geiger counter are secured down with half inch plastic spacers, 1 inch long screws that penetrate through the box, and nuts on the outside. The camera, heater, and HOBO are secured down with industrial strength Velcro. There is insulation on the inside of the structure, and there is aluminum tape and hot glue that secures all of the sides together. Design Overview
The Geiger counter is interfaced with the AVR board via a three pronged header. The three pronged header is attached to 9V power in, ground and digital output on the Geiger counter. The header is integrated into the AVR by soldering the prongs onto the breadboard section. Each prong is bridged to a wire leading to 9V power out, ground and D2 input. The AVR is programmed to take data from each instrument every 234 milliseconds. The data from the Geiger counter is taken constantly via an interrupt that performs a counting experiment and empties the count into the AVR when it is called upon and then restarts the count.. Design Overview
The launch and recovery went according to plan. On November 7th, 2009, approximately 6:50 a.m. Our payload was launched via balloon with no abnormalities. All systems were go and armed prior to launch and then turned on before launch. After flight, the payload landed on a farm near the Colorado Wyoming border northwest of Windsor. Upon recovery, the payload was still counting data, taking pictures and with no electrical failures. The structure of the payload was normal with no scratches, dents, or any damage. Launch Recap:
Results and Analysis Team Alpha made three predictions about the radiation environment at different altitudes before the flight. Prediction 1: There would be a steep nonlinear increase in counts of radiation per every 234 milliseconds beginning at ground level that peaks at 15 km Prediction 2: At 15 km, counts of radiation per every 234 milliseconds should occur 6 to 8 times the amount of counts at the starting elevation. Prediction 3 and Main Mission Purpose: The amount of radiation would significantly increase once the satellite climbed into the ozone layer at 10 kilometers, indicating that the ozone layer is the main factor in filtering harmful radiation before it hits the ground.
Prediction 1: There would be a steep nonlinear increase in counts of radiation per every 234 milliseconds beginning at ground level that peaks at 15 km. It is clear from these graphs that up until approximately 42 minutes, when the satellite had reached 15 km, there was a steep, nonlinear increase in counts of radiation per 234 milliseconds, which then remains constant past 15 km.
Prediction 2: At 15 km, counts of radiation per every 234 milliseconds should occur 6 to 8 times the amount of counts at the starting elevation. This graph indicates that the amount of radiation counts does not increase as much as 6 to 8 times the amount at ground level, however, the amount of radiation counts does increase approximately 5 times the amount at ground level, still indicating a significant rise in radiation counts at 15 km compared to the amount on the ground.
Prediction 3 and Main Mission Purpose: The amount of radiation would significantly increase once the satellite climbed into the ozone layer at 10 kilometers, indicating that the ozone layer is the main factor in filtering harmful radiation before it hits the ground. From the graph, it is clear that at approximately 10 km, the altitude at which the ozone layer begins, there is a significant increase in the amount of radiation counts, indicating that the ozone layer is our main protection against harmful radiation.
Main Conclusions: Team Alpha was able to prove their main mission purpose. The amount of radiation that exists in the ozone layer is significantly higher than the amount of radiation below the ozone layer. This indicates that the ozone layer is our main protection from harmful radiation. Because of this, we are now aware of how important the ozone layer is to our survival. These results prove that in order for life on earth to continue, the ozone layer must be protected from the pollution that damages it every day. They also prove the need for renewable energy resources are critical to the survival of the ozone layer.
Our best pictures:
Internal vs. External Temperature Graph:
Lessons Learned The importance of testing and making sure every piece of our satellite works correctly The process that goes into designing, building, testing, and launching a satellite Knowing the pre-launch procedure, as well as practicing it, is very important Don’t make your experiment too complex Understanding this project overall from the beginning
Ready to fly again Replace the batteries If storing for more than a week, disconnect or remove the batteries Erase the AVR memory and Re-arm the payload Erase the pictures on the camera memory and relock the memory card. Once the batteries are in place reseal the edges of the cube Immediately prior to launch switch the switches on in order (1 then 2 or Power then G switch)
Appendix: RFP Requirement RFP RequirementCompliance Additional experiments, collection of data, analysis of data Geiger counter, detecting and recording radiation, analysis with respect to altitude Analog input not to exceed 5VGeiger counter data to be recorded from 0 to 5 Volts Interface tube secured and not interfering with flight string Plastic tube, anti-abrasion washers, and paperclips will be built into structure Internal temperature remain above -10° CHeater shall regulate temperature Weight not to exceed 850gTotal weight is 844g (Not including HOBO) Acquire ascent and descent rates of flight stringData found by pressure readings Design allows for HOBO, external temperature cable, Camera, AVR Microcontroller, heater system, and batteries. All are incorporated into the BalloonSat design. BalloonSat shall be made of foam coreIncorporated into the design Part list and budget shall include spare parts An extra sheet of foam core and an extra plastic tube has been included as well as excess glue, tape, and paper clips. The Geiger counter cannot be replaced. BalloonSat shall have contact information and an American flag. This will be incorporated into the design on the outside of the foam core once the satellite has been finished. All units shall be in metricAll units in all design documents are in metric. No one shall get hurt All safety procedures and instructions shall be followed.
Item Weight (grams) HOBO30g (Not included in final weight budget) Canon A570IS & 2 AA Batteries220g AVR & 2 x 9 Volt Lithium Batteries150g Heater & 3 x 9 Volt Alkaline Batteries100g Geiger Counter75g Plastic Tubing15g 2 Washers30g 2 Paperclips5g Foam core Structure24g Insulation55g Aluminum Tape25g Velcro35g Glue60g 7 x ½ Inch Long Plastic Spacer15g 7 x 1 Inch Long Bolt and Nut20g 2 Switches15g Total = 844g Mass Budget
Item Where Item Will be Purchased/Ordered From Price (U.S. dollars) Metal/Concrete EpoxyHome Depot $4.99 Dry IceKing Soopers $36.97 Industrial VelcroHome Depot $9.47 Foam CoreKing Soopers $ Volt Alkaline 6 PackHome Depot $10.97 Plastic SpacersHome Depot $2.24 Nuts and BoltsHome Depot $ x 9 Volt 2 PackHome Depot $ Volt Lithium FlightBatteries Plus $7.29 Total = $ Cost Budget
Message to Next Semester Don’t underestimate the intensity of the work you will be taking on, but also don’t be intimidated by the amount of work Get to know your team. You will be spending a lot of time with them Be careful with time This class may seem overwhelming, but getting A’s and B’s is not difficult Give this class your all, and it will give back to you