Physical Geography of Latin/Mesoamerica
Map of Latin America (Central and South America)
Mountains and Highlands The Andes Mountains Part of a Mountain Range that runs through the western portion of North, Central, and South America (Rockies in the U.S./Sierra Madre in Mexico) Many active volcanos Home to the Inca in Peru Highlands Made up of mountainous or hilly sections (Guiana Highlands) Includes Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guiana, and Brazil)
Plains Grain and Livestock Llanos of Columbia and Venezuela Vast plains in Columbia and Venezuela Grassy, treeless area used for livestock and farming Similar to Great Plains in U.S. Plains of Amazon River Basin Expansive plains in Brazil called “Cerrado” Flat terrain with moderate rainfall Good for farming, but much of it is undeveloped Pampas of Argentina and Uruguay Areas of grassland and rich soil in northern Argentina and Uruguay Main product is cattle and wheat
Rivers Orinoco River Mainly in Venezuela Flows more than 1,500 miles along the Columbia-Venezuela border to the Atlantic Amazon River Flows 4,000 miles from East to West Starts in Andes and ends in the Atlantic Fed by 1,000 tributaries Carries more water to the ocean than any other river in the world Parana River Flows 3,000 miles from Brazilian Highlands Ends up as an estuary
Major Islands of the Caribbean Bahamas Hundreds of islands between Cuba and Florida Nassau is the capital Greater Antilles Larger islands including Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. Served as a base of operations for Spanish Conquest Lesser Antilles Smaller islands southeast of Puerto Rico
Resources of Latin America Mineral Resources Gold, silver, iron, copper, bauxite, tin, lead, and nickel all abundant Also mine gem stones, titanium and tungsten One of world’s leading miners of raw material Energy Resources Oil, coal, natural gas, uranium and hydroelectric power all plentiful