Alyssa Jacobson Pd:11
John Edward Sexton Biography Born in 1953, in Maywood California Fell in love with photography in 1960’s The moment he loved photography was seeing film develop in a friend's enlarger, Sexton recalls: "We took some red Christmas tree bulbs and made what I later found out was a 'safe light' and I saw magic take place that night on a shaky card table in his bedroom and a week later I had my own enlarger." ends/sexton/bio.html
Biography continued... Went to Cypress College and graduated in He originally was going to be an industrial-advertising photographer He ended up changing his mind and is now a landscape photographer, because he went to photography exhibition and saw Ansel Adams work. His wife, Lisa E. Goldberg, died of an brain aneurysm on January 21, 2007 at age 54. He has two kids.
Reasons I chose John Sexton because his photos of landscapes were really interesting and I thought the way he took them and how they were mostly in black in white really caught my attention. He takes pictures of great American Landscapes.
Interesting Facts!!! Sexton took a workshop with Adams, which lead to them working together. During the time they worked together Sexton acted as both assistant and technical advisor from 1979 to He taught religion at St. Francis College Big Brooklyn Dodgers fan!!! In July 2009, Sexton was invited to throw out a first pitch at Washington Nationals Game! He is very religious. He is Roman Catholic
John Sexton’s artwork!
Artwork continued...
My artwork