Scribes By: Amory Ketchum, Megan Ninnemann, Alex Buchacek, Nate White, Tyrese Cottrel
Table of Contents What was the purpose of scribe schools? Who studied there and for how long? What were the typical tools and material scribes used? What would a scribe school teacher mean when he said, “A youngster’s ear is on his back; he only listen to the man who beats him?” Why sere scribes important in ancient Egypt? Cool facts about scribes!
What was the Purpose of Scribe Schools? The purpose of scribe school was to record important information. Some things they recorded were the census, court cases, and food supply. The Military had scribes of their own. The Military recorded track of the army’s soldiers, food supply, and the number of enemies killed. Scribe school was very important.
Who Studied There and how Long? Most of the people that went to scribe school were men. The scribe students had to go to scribe school for twelve years! There were over 700 hieroglyphics. Students spent over four years copying hieroglyphics over and over again.
What are the typical tools and materials scribes used? For practice scribes used pieces of wood, flakes of stone, and broken bits of pottery. When scribes got good enough they started to write on papyrus. For pens scribes used finely sharpened reeds. They used red and black ink. They wrote on tablets that had two wells for both red and black ink.
Strict Scribe School Teachers Scribe school teachers were very strict. If a student did something wrong they would get beat. One teacher once said “ A youngster’s ear is on his back; he only listens to the man who beats him?” This saying meant that when a student wasn’t paying attention he would get struck on the back then he was alert and listening.
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