Immigration and Captains of Industry
Why Did People Come to The United States After the Civil War?
STANDARD USII.4b: The student will demonstrate knowledge of how life changed after the Civil War by b) explaining the reasons for the increase in immigration, growth of cities, and challenges arising from this expansion.
Essential Questions for Standard Why did immigration increase? Why did cities grow and develop? What challenges faced Americans as a result of these social and technological changes?
What You Must Be Able To Explain (Essential Understandings) Population changes, growth of cities, and new inventions produced interaction and often conflict between different cultural groups. Population changes, growth of cities, and new inventions produced problems in urban areas.
Increased Immigration Post Civil War Hope for better opportunities Free land out west Desire for religious freedom Escape from oppressive governments in Europe Desire for adventure Go to the American “wild” west.
Where They Came From 1840-1860 1860-1900
Reasons why cities grew and developed Specialized Industries in certain Cities Pittsburgh: Steel Chicago: Meat Processing Immigration from other nations People came to the cities first, moved out when they earned the money to move. Americans moved from rural areas to urban areas for job opportunities.
Reasons why cities grew and developed Rapid industrialization and urbanization led to overcrowded immigrant neighborhoods and tenements. All the new immigrants had to have somewhere to live. The political bosses selected where they lived, it was easier to place cultural groups together to keep the workers under control.
Immigrant Ghettos
Living conditions - Apartments
Living conditions - Apartments
Living conditions - Apartments
Rapid Industrialization & Urbanization led to Problems, Too Immigrants were forced to live in slums, killing many due to poor living conditions. Immigrants were forced into neighborhoods based upon where they came from. Given “tenement housing” Small rooms for many people, no bathrooms, building was dirty & unhealthy to live in.
How to Solve the Problems Settlement Houses for Immigrants Hull House: founded by Jane Addams Political machines that gained power by taking care of the needs of new immigrants. Political Bosses provided: Housing Jobs Food In return, immigrants voted how they were told.
New Groups Were Discriminated Against New Immigrants were forced into Ghettos and Tenements Irish Chinese Japanese Jews Political Corruption by the political machines Immigrants began to realize they were being used for the glory of a few men.
Challenges faced by cities Tenements and ghettos The cities had to recruit officers from each culture to enforce the laws. Many corrupt police-controlled by political bosses. Political corruption Political machines
How the U.S. was Transformed from Agricultural Nation to an Industrial Nation
STANDARD USII.4d The student will demonstrate knowledge of how life changed after the Civil War by: d) explaining the impact of new inventions, the rise of big business, the growth of industry, and life on American farms.
Essential Questions for Standard What inventions created great change and industrial growth in the United States? What created the rise in big business? What factors caused the growth of industry? How did industrialization and the rise in big business influence life on American farms?
What You Must Be Able To Explain (Essential Understandings) Between the Civil War and World War I, the United States was transformed from an agricultural to an industrial nation. Inventions had both positive and negative effects on society.
Inventions that contributed to great change and industrial growth Electricity: Thomas Edison Lighting (light bulb) Mechanical uses of electricity Telephone service: Alexander Graham Bell
Reasons for the Rise & Prosperity of Big Business National markets for products are created due to advances in transportation. Rail cars could now hold cold items for days
Reasons for the Rise & Prosperity of Big Business Captains of industry J.P. Morgan Banking At the height of Morgan's career, he controlled influence over the nation's high finance and United States Congress members.
Reasons for the Rise & Prosperity of Big Business Captains of industry John D. Rockefeller-oil Started as a store clerk Turned his skills into an oil Empire
Reasons for the Rise & Prosperity of Big Business Captains of industry Andrew Carnegie-steel Immigrant who invested his wages into companies wisely. Took his earnings and bought a steel mill. Turned his profits into more and more mills. As he got older, he gave away over 2 Billion dollars.
Reasons for the Rise & Prosperity of Big Business Captains of industry Cornelius Vanderbilt-shipping & railroads Like Rockefeller, Vanderbilt built his empire slowly using his profits wisely. After shipping, he bought railroads. Brutally controlled competition.
Reasons for the Rise & Prosperity of Big Business Advertising Newspapers and Magazines sold ads to get people to buy their product Time saving washing machine Low-cost production Henry Ford developed the assembly line. Can built products faster and cheaper.
Reasons for the Rise & Prosperity of Big Business
Factors that Resulted in growth of Industry New access to raw materials & energy. Availability of work force due to increased immigration. New inventions Financial resources
Examples of Big Businesses Banking Railroads Oil Steel
Postwar changes in Daily Life Mechanization (ex-reaper) reduced farm labor needs & increased production. Industrial development in cities created increased labor needs. Industrialization provided new access to consumer goods (e.g. mail order)
NEGATIVE effects of Industrialization Child labor Low wages for long hours Unsafe working conditions
Rise of Labor - Outcomes Formation of Unions Growth of American Federation of Labor STRIKES Aftermath of Homestead Strike
Effects of Progressive Movement Workplace Reforms Improved safety conditions Reduced work hours Placed restrictions on child labor
Effects of Women’s Suffrage Increased educational opportunities Women get right to vote Women obtain right to vote when 19th amendment to U. S. Constitution is passed Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton worked for women’s suffrage.
Temperance Movement Made up of groups who wanted to end the making and consuming of alcohol. Supported the 18th Amendment to Constitution which prohibits the manufacture, sale, and transporting of alcoholic beverages.