ALS by Cheetahs
Güldeniz Karakuş Abide Yıldız Zeynep Özal Esra Akman
What is ALS ? Causes and Risk Factors Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment
ALS belongs to a group of diseases called motor neuron diseases. It is a disease that attacks the nerve cells that are used in voluntary muscle actions; actions that we can control such as those in the arms, face and legs.
There are two different types of ALS, sporadic and familial.
ALS is not contagious. ALS attacks nerve cells found in the brain and spinal cord. The average life expectancy of ALS patients after diagnosis is between 2-5 years. Experts are currently unsure what causes ALS. Muscle weakness occurs in 60% of ALS patients. There is currently no cure for ALS.
Gene Mutations Chemical Imbalance Disorganised Immune Responses Protein Mishandling
Heredity Age Sex
Smoking Lead exposure Millitary Services
ALS is typically a disease that involves a gradual onset. The first symptoms of ALS can be quite varied in different people.
Slurring of speech or trouble swallowing Hand weakness or clumsiness Difficulty walking, tripping or difficulty doing your normal daily activities Weakness in your leg, feet or ankles Muscle cramps and twitching in your arms, shoulders and tongue Difficulty holding your head up or keeping a good posture
When symptoms begin in the arms or legs, it is referred to as “limb onset” ALS. Other individuals first notice speech problems, termed “bulbar onset” ALS.
An abnormal reflex commonly called Babinski’s sign also indicates upper motor neuron damage
Permanent ventilatory support
Survival progress Survival progress also can be different for each person. Although the survival time with ALS is three to five years, many people live five, 10 or more years
ALS attacks only motor neurons And also ALS patients often experience fear,anxiety, and depression.
There is no single test that can be used to diagnose of ALS.However ; Electromyography (EMG) Nerve conduction study(NCS)
* ALS does not have a cure, but treatments exist to relieve symptoms and improve patients’ quality of life. However...
Breathing therapy Physical therapy Occupational therapy Speech therapy Nutritional support Psychological and social support
ALS DERNEĞİ Kısım villalar karşısı, Afet yönetim merkezi arkası ATAKÖY İSTANBUL TURKEY Tel: ( ) , ( ) Fax: ( )
ALS Association 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 1050 Washington, DC Tel: Fax: ALS Association
ALS Therapy Development Institute 300 Technology Square Suite 400 Cambridge, MA Tel: Fax: ALS Therapy Development Institute
Prize4Life P.O. Box Cambridge, MA Tel: Prize4Life
KgsQ KgsQ
References: American Speech-Language Hearing Association /disorders/als/ /disorders/als/ Health Talk Online experiences/nerves-brain/motor-neurone- disease/physical-therapy-and-exercise experiences/nerves-brain/motor-neurone- disease/physical-therapy-and-exercise Live Science lou-gehrigs-disease.htmlhttp:// lou-gehrigs-disease.html Medscape cle/ overview#aw2aab6b4 cle/ overview#aw2aab6b4
Mayoclinic, Retriewed from: conditions/amyotrophic-lateral- sclerosis/basics/risk-factors/con conditions/amyotrophic-lateral- sclerosis/basics/risk-factors/con ALS ASSOCIATION ( als/symptoms.html ) ALS ASSOCIATION als/symptoms.html National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ( phiclateralsclerosis/detail_ALS.htm# ) Remedy’s Health ( ptoms.shtml) ptoms.shtml