M&E System Strengthening Tool Workshop on effective Global Fund Grant negotiation and implementation planning 22-25 January 2008 Manila, Philippines Monitoring.


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Presentation transcript:

M&E System Strengthening Tool Workshop on effective Global Fund Grant negotiation and implementation planning January 2008 Manila, Philippines Monitoring & Evaluation

Agenda 1. Quick reminder of the MESS Tool 2. Update on implementation in the region

Introduction/Reminder ■Guide strategic investments in M&E for grant signature or in existing grants Objectives of the MESS Tool ■Ensure that investments in M&E are based on identified weaknesses and contribute to the strengthening of the National Systems ■Identify M&E capacity gaps and corresponding strengthening measures ■Enhance the quality of programmatic data to improve program management and to support PBF

Global Fund time-line perspective Y1Y2Y3 Grant Negotiation Initial Assessment Periodic re-assessments Phase 2 Grant Integration in the Life-cycle of Global Fund Grants Periodic self-assessment after Year 1: evaluate strengthening of M&E Systems Self-assessment : identify capacity gaps, strengthening measures and TA needs (if any), and guide investment in M&E

Content and structure Purpose ■To assess the strength of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan. ■To assess the capabilities of the Management Unit (PR) to manage data related to the implementation of the Grants. M&E Strengthening Tool 1- M&E Plan 2- Data-management capacities of the Management Unit (PR) 3- Data-collection and reporting systems per Program Area (e.g., ARV, DOTS) ■To assess the strengths of the data-collection and reporting systems per Program Area, including the ability to report valid, accurate and high quality data related to implementation. The M&E Systems Strengthening Tool assesses 3 areas:

Summary: organization of workshop Organization of a Stakeholder Workshop Organization CCM Chair or Vice-Chair  If the Global Fund is supporting the National Program PRs  In all other cases (but plans need to be presented and discussed with CCM) Participation National Program for the Disease All PRs - i.e., New, Repeat and Existing PRs (Program Managers and M&E Experts) Relevant SRs (Program Managers and M&E Experts) Government Agencies (MoH, HIS, Central Bureau of Statistics, Policy, etc.); Technical Partners (e.g., WHO, UNAIDS, UNICEF) Other Donors (e.g., World Bank, PEPFAR) And others, as appropriate (NGOs, etc.) LFA (as observer) Facilitation In-country facilitator chosen by the country (eg., WHO, HMN Focal Points, UNAIDS) Duration Between 2 and 4 days - depending on the component assessed Funding M&E Budget from existing Grant Agreements As Appropriate

Roles and Responsibilities Global Fund Share the relevant tools and procedures with the PR Support self assessment process and answer questions from the countries. Review the completed tool and negotiate appropriate costed Action Plan with PRs. CCM Chair or Vice- Chair Co- organize the stakeholder workshop. Principal Recipient(s) Co- organize the stakeholder workshop. Pre-complete the tool in advance of the workshop. Participate in the workshop. Present appropriate costed Action Plan with Global Fund. LFA Participate in the workshop. Support GF in review of completed tool and costed Action Plan. In-country Partner Participate in the stakeholder workshop. Provide assistance in completion of tool.

Expected Results Costed Action Plan to address M&E weaknesses and shortcomings ■Strengthens and weaknesses of the PR’s Monitoring and evaluation system identified ■Needs for technical assistance identified ■Costed Monitoring and Evaluation Plan developed ■Information gathered to inform Grant negotiations and throughout the lifetime of the Grant ■Agreement among in-country partners to share initiatives and funding

and most importantly This is the beginning of a process… → Key to follow-up on the implementation of the action plans

Update on implementation in the region

Decision tree on implementation Yes No PR is a National Program Coordinating Authority or relevant Ministry National M&E assessment conducted in approx. last 2 years LFA uses the M&E assessment results as main source document and completes Repeat or New PR Assessment report LFA i) verifies/validates results; and ii) completes Repeat or New PR Assessment report using the findings from the assessment LFA i) participates in the stakeholder workshop as an observer and ii) uses the M&E assessment results as main source document and completes Repeat or New PR assessment report PR does not need to implement a new M&E assessment PR only to complete the M&ESS Tool in a simplified process Yes PR implements comprehensive/partici patory M&E assessment (ideally using M&ESS Tool)

Outstanding implementations for Round 7

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