Rebel Report February 11, 2005 Issue 4 Created by 3 rd Grade
Kindergarten News They are having their first party! They think giving cards is fun. They might have balloons. They will give rats to the snake named Rocket.
2 nd Grade News Mrs.Smith’s class did an ice melting race. Here are the winners: in first place Haley,David,and Jace. Second place: Hunter,and Hannah. Third place: Scott,and Hope.
3 rd Grade News Mr. Gowan’s class has a new student. His name is Homar Romero. He came from Julian Newman Elementary School. “He likes Owens Elementary School,”he says. Homar Romero
Fourth Grade news Mrs. Daws` class will have a Valentines party on Monday.
5 th Grade News Mr.Hobbs’ class is using graphs to predict how many swings a pendulum will swing in 15 seconds. That’s what they’re doing in science. They are also making line graphs.
Mrs. Sutton’s news Mrs. Sutton’s class is typing on their new laptops. They’re so glad that Mr. Kennedy and Mrs. Williams are back. Their title is named after candy bars.
ART We’re doing clay and about to change to a different activity. Everyone in school is doing clay. Kindergarten has finished their masks.
School wide by Jordan Collins Yearbooks are on sale for $25.00 until February 18th. After this date they will be $ Kim dozier, an author, will be at school on February 28 th.
Sports Jump rope for heart is on February 18 Kindergarden-3 rd 8:00-10:00 4 th -6th 12:00-2:00. Ask your parents and friends to donate money.
How many people like pizza and how many people like chicken nuggets. your results to Question of the Week