LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants are to develop the ability to: Know oneself with respect to, personality qualities, technical and administrative skills. Assessing strengths & weaknesses (to realistically identify personal strengths in the above areas) Work Values What is a skill Types of skills Achievements
LIFE/WORK PLAN ROAD MAP Me Now Future What do I want to achieve in life? 5 year plan What are my personal skills, talents interests & how might I blend them into a career decision? What are my skills? What type of person am I? What sort of people do I like to work with? What culture do I best operate in? What sort of things best motivate me
STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES Group Exercises Work values
SKILLS - WHAT ARE THEY? Is a demonstrated quality or strength which may be natural or acquired. Something you can do well, repeatedly. We acquire skills from everywhere – interests, sports, social interactions, home Many skills are transferable
TRANSFERABLE SKILLS Transferable skills are the secret of changing careers without necessarily going back to school, because they allow us to build a picture of a new career from the ground up. Transferable skills are almost always verbs – focused energies that act upon some object
3 TYPES OF SKILLS Transferable skills can be divided into 3 categories Technical Administrative Personal (OHT) The higher the transferable skill, the more freedom you will have on the job, and the less competition
ACHIEVEMENTS Achievements are the combination of a number of skills we possess. Achievements are best identified and confirmed by locating challenges we have faced, and the actions taken (and skills exercised as part of these actions) and the outcomes with work experiences.