American Diabetes Association National Capital Area and Lions District 24-A Team up to Stop Diabetes® and Blindness With an LCIF Core 4 Diabetes Grant
The Mission Statement of the Lions Sight Preservation, Awareness and Action Program is: To provide programs and assistance to aid people who are blind and visually impaired, and to work at eliminating preventable and reversible blindness. The Lions Diabetes Awareness and Action Program Mission Statement is: To conduct and support local and large-scale effort leading to the control and treatment of diabetes and its complications through education, prevention and research.
The Mission of the American Diabetes Association is: To prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
90% of Adult Onset Blindness is caused by POORLY managed diabetes
The state of diabetes and blindness in Virginia
Virginia Prevalence Rates of Visual Loss Source: American Foundation for the Blind Total141,771 Gender Male63,213 Female78,558 Age Under 52, , , , , and older 39,559
American Foundation for the Blind definition of vision loss --- refers to individuals who have trouble seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses, as well as to individuals who are blind or unable to see at all.
From 1995 to 2007, the Virginia population increased by 16% But diabetes increased by 95% an estimated 466,883 adult Virginians had diagnosed diabetes and another estimated 233,441 had undiagnosed diabetes
Prevalence of Diabetes in Virginia by Age Group, 2007 Age Group Percentage with Diabetes
Source: Based on US Census estimated 2006 labor force of 3,558,276 persons aged 16+ (57.9% of population) for the 13-County Philadelphia Designated Market Area.
Appalachian Counties: 11.0 % Non Appalachian Counties 7.2% Diabetes rates in Appalachian Counties 11% vs 7.2% other counties Appalachian Counties: 11.0 % Non Appalachian Counties 7.2%
The five health districts with the highest prevalence of diabetes in 2006 were: o Southside (16.5%) o Cumberland Plateau (16.0%) o Pittsylvania-Danville (14.2%) o Piedmont (12.1%) o Lenowisco (12.0%)
The Lions 24-A /American Diabetes LCIF Core 4 Diabetes Grant Pilot Project
Key project components: 1.Health Education 2.Free Health Screenings 3.Patient Navigation and Data Collection
Critical components for the success of this project involve: Providing diabetes education to Lions to empower them as Diabetes Ambassadors to educate others and raise awareness of diabetes Expanding the network of collaborating local organizations Gathering relevant data from health screenings and community diabetes education outreach
The Need for Diabetes Education A lack of diabetes education is a leading factor in the development of serious complications from diabetes (source: Diabetes in Virginia report) Lions trained by the ADA to deliver basic diabetes education This is key to making this a sustainable program beyond the grant year
A minimum of 6-10 free health screenings to include: blood glucose testing retinal imaging blood pressure testing body-mass index readings Patient navigation At selected sites in the six counties that make up Lions District 24-A
Retinal Imaging to Detect Disease Diabetes Ambassador training includes how to operate a retinal imaging device for advanced eye screenings for detection of potential complications from diabetes.
Measurement,Tracking and Patient Navigation ADA -Trained Lions volunteers will: Take basic patient history and contact information Perform patient navigation services Conduct diabetes education programs Administer pre- and post- education testing for measurement purposes
Year-end Project Evaluation How many people were screened? How many people were referred to a doctor? How many people were at risk for diabetes? How many Lions Club members became Diabetes Ambassadors? How many people attended diabetes education sessions?