Class 12 Understanding the Power of Vocal Communication October 31 / November 1, 2007 Hello Class !
Voice Tone Tone can be defined as the tenor, quality, manner or ambience the teacher’s voice portrays Clarity Voice clarity refers to precision, clearness, and accuracy in the message Modulation Modulation refers to the intonation, inflection, and pulse of the voice.
Activity One I am going to read a passage. I want you to listen, make notes on my modulation, clarity and tone. Then compare your answers with others at your table.
Spoken Language Quality Enunciation Level
Questioning Phrasing In my classroom I will walk toward a student while conducting a lesson that is being disruptive.
Questioning Phrasing Are you saying what you really mean to say? Do you repeat yourself? Are sentences disjointed? Level Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy – what level are you using? How many higher order questions are you posing? Wait Time Acceptance of Student Responses
Pacing Rate of delivery Rate of speech Interactions with Students Quality Degree of Interaction Distribution of Attention
Parsons, C., & Brown, P. (2001). Educating for Diversity: An Invitation to Empathy and Action. Action in Teacher Education, 23(3), 1-4. Gosse, D. OISE, Curriculum Introducation Slide Show Most people tend to equate diversity as 'otherness' and themselves as 'normal.' We need to succeed in making difference personal, bridging empathy and action. Sensitivity to individual differences:
Grauerholz, L. (2001). Teaching Holistically to Achieve Deep Learning. College Teaching, 49(2), Gosse, D. OISE, Curriculum Introduction Slideshow Holistic teaching seeks to provide a safe environment for students to express their ideas and feelings openly. The intent also is to acknowledge and legitimate the many different voices and experiences of our students, especially those who have historically been silenced in traditional classroom settings.
Sensitivity to individual differences Gender terms; equality of terms; statements; selection in class Culture heritage regional and community cultural understandings (terminology, gender roles, religion, sexual orientation), family culture, group culture (i.e., deaf culture) Special Needs How do you respond to special needs students? Do you verify understanding by consolidating for special needs students? Did you catch the error in what I wrote above? Other
Application Open / Take out Communication assignment Make notes EXPECTATIONS: The pre-service teacher will: 1) analyze his/her communication practices including voice, spoken language, questioning, pacing, interaction with students and sensitivity to individual differences. 2) create an action plan which addresses communication strengths and areas for growth.
Procedure Please Note: a) the calibre of the lesson is not being evaluated but the lesson must be an interactive lesson that includes questioning and teacher/student verbal interactions b) enclose your CD and written report in a large, sturdy envelope with your name and section on the outside c) You are responsible for organizing your method of recording the lesson.
Early during the week of your November placement session, record one of your lessons (whole class or small group). Record and analyze a teaching/interactive segment of the lesson (10-15 minutes). Analysis (Complete this section after the in-class lessons on questioning) Evaluate your recording using the criteria listed below. To present your assignment in a professional manner, use the electronic template provided. Use specific examples from the tape to support your statements for each of the following criteria: i) Voice - tone, clarity, modulation ii) Spoken language - quality, enunciation, level iii) Questioning - phrasing, level, wait time, acceptance of student responses iv) Pacing rate of delivery, rate of speech v) Interaction with students - quality, degree of, distribution of attention vi) Sensitivity to individual differences (gender, culture, special needs...) Summary of Strengths, Areas for Growth, Next Steps i) Identify a minimum of 5 strengths in communication ii) Identify a minimum of 5 areas for growth in communication iii) Referring back to your areas for growth: * List in order of importance three of the communication practices that need improvement * Include concrete actions that will change each area of growth to a communication strength
ANALYSISSPECIFIC SUPPORTING EVIDENCE FROM TAPED LESSON PROFESSOR’S FEEDBACK A) Voice: 1.Tone 2.Clarity 3.Modulation B) Spoken Language: 1.Quality 2.Enunciation 3.Level C) Questioning: 1.Phrasing 2.Level 3.Wait time 4.Acceptance of student responses Find this part on the Communication handout – make notes This is where your actual analysis goes. For example, under the word tone type in a detailed analysis of your tone during the minutes you analysed
ANALYSISSPECIFIC SUPPORTING EVIDENCE FROM TAPED LESSON PROFESSOR’S FEEDBACK A) Voice: 1.Tone 2.Clarity 3.Modulation B) Spoken Language: 1.Quality 2.Enunciation 3.Level C) Questioning: 1.Phrasing 2.Level 3.Wait time 4.Acceptance of student responses Find this part on the Communication handout – make notes This is where you put specific evidence to support your statements in the previous analysis. Place the specific example across from the analysis you are evidencing Use exact quotes and identify the location of the quote in the minute segment
Communication Assignment Sample : 2) Spoken Language: (a) Quality: As I listened to the tape I began to get annoyed with myself for saying “k?” and “okay”. I think it was a nervous speech action, but perhaps I say it when I am not teaching as well. I will have to look out for that! I also used other slang terms such as “like” and “you’re gonna”. I have a tendency to call the students “guys” even though I am aware that this is incorrect! Although I didn’t let it happen too often, I know I will have to try hard to work on this. 2) Spoken Language: (a) Quality: 7.00: “get out your books k?” 7.10: “okay, now we are going to…” 7.15: “read this section carefully k” 9.20: “k, make sure you hand this in okay” 6.32: “Now we are gonna study Egypt like all month” 3.15: “You’re gonna have to pay attention.” 5.45: “okay guys, let’s get ready to go”
G) Summary of Strengths (Minimum of 5):F) Areas for Growth (Minimum of 5): H) A Prioritized Plan of Action: 1.… 2.… 3.… 5 Strengths5 Areas for Growth What is the most important area to work on? How are you going to work on it? Details details details – plan plan plan – use concrete ideas to improve….. What is the second most important area to work on? How…… What is the third most important area to work on? How…… Details !Specifics! Actions!
A) KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING (1.0)(.75)(.50)(.25) 1)Completeness Detailed and in-depth responses to all criteria Complete responses to all criteria Some responses to criteria Limited responses to criteria B) COMMUNICATION (1.0)(.75)(.50)(.25) 2)Organization Competently and consistently organized OrganizedSome evidence of organization Little evidence of organization (1.0)(.75)(.50)(.25) 3)Presentation (i.e., readability, cohesiveness, grammar, spelling) Professionally presented No errors Competently presented. A few minor errors Some errors that affect readability and presentation Numerous errors that affect readability and presentation C) THINKING (3.0)(2.5)(2.0)(1.75) 4) AnalysisDetailed and in-depth analysis of all criteria All criteria competently analyzed Some criteria competently analyzed Few criteria competently analyzed (3.0)(2.5)(2.0)(1.75) 5) Summary of Strengths & Areas for Growth Explains in detail and depth significant aspects of communication strengths and areas for growth Describes many significant aspects of communication strengths and areas for growth Identifies some significant aspects of communication strengths and areas for growth States few significant aspects of communication strengths and areas for growth APPLICATION (3.0)(2.5)(2.0)(1.75) 6)Documentation (Specific supporting evidence) Well documented and specific evidence for all criteria Evidence included for all criteria Some evidence provided for some criteria Minimal evidence for a few criteria (3.0)(2.5)(2.0)(1.75) 7) A Prioritized Plan of Action Explains in detail a logical plan of action for growth which includes a rationale and concrete strategies for improvement with a high degree of effectiveness Outlines a logical plan of action for growth which includes a rationale and some strategies for improvement Identifies a satisfactory plan of action for growth; Reasons for prioritization lack critical analysis States a plan of action for growth with limited effectiveness; Little evidence of reasons for prioritization
Application Go through the example on your table. These were actual Communication assignments from previous years. Working as a group to go through each and, using the rubric, figure out a mark.
Communication Assignment due Record during your next placement – suggest do it in the first week so you don’t forget Due December 5, 2007 – back in January / February