Increasing the Impact of an Effective Coach Embracing the Journey Teacher Development, Office of Talent Development February 15, 2013
Collaborative Norms Equity of Voice Active Listening Safety of All Perspectives Keep an Open Mind
Increasing the Impact of an Effective Coach Embracing the Journey Coaches will build and nurture professional relationships with teachers to accelerate understanding and facilitate implementation of the Common Core State Standards through reflective thinking and inquiry into practice. Long-Term Learning Goal
Increasing the Impact of an Effective Coach Embracing the Journey 4321 In addition to functioning in a variety of roles at my school, I regularly collaborate and network with other coaches in the District as well as the broader education communty in an effort to improve teaching and learning in Broward. I am able to function in a variety of roles in order to accelerate and facilitate my teachers’ understanding and implementation of the 8 Mathematical Practices and the CCSS Math Content Standards. I am able to function in some coaching roles, but feel uncomfortable in some roles that may be important in accelerating and facilitating my teachers’ understanding and implementation of the 8 Mathematical Practices and the CCSS Math Content Standards I am unclear about how to function in multiple coaching roles.
Short-Term Learning Goal for Today Coaches will identify personal strengths and target area(s) for professional growth I am already thinking of multiple ways that I can start working on my personal goal(s) for improving my coaching practice. I know what my strengths are as a coach, and I have a personal goal(s) for professional learning that will improve my coaching practice. I know what my strengths are as a coach, but I am still undecided about which coaching role to focus on in order to improve my practice. I need more time to think about my strengths and personal learning goal(s) in relation to my role as a coach.
Instructional Coach
AttributeEvolving Definition How can my development of this attribute accelerate and facilitate my teachers’ understanding and implementation of the Mathematics Common Core State Standards? Trusted Listener Resource Teacher Problem Solver Assessor Facilitator Collaborator Learner Coach Advocate
My Role as Coach + I wear this hat routinely, and I do it well Δ I am not comfortable wearing this hat 0 I don’t wear this hat as a coach
Group Activity As a group, come to consensus on which two coaching roles will have the greatest impact on accelerating professional learning of the Common Core State Standards at your work site. Provide a rationale for your choices. Be prepared to share.
Personal Reflection Establishing a Personal Learning Goal Think about the roles of an instructional coach. – What skills and strategies do you currently employ in each role? What role would you personally like to focus on in order to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of the Mathematical practices and the Common Core content standards? What can you do “tomorrow” to become stronger in this role?
Please place a signal dot on the role that you have chosen to focus on for professional growth.
Short-Term Learning Goal for Today Coaches will identify personal strengths and target area(s) for professional growth I am already thinking of multiple ways that I can start working on my personal goal(s) for improving my coaching practice. I know what my strengths are as a coach, and I have a personal goal(s) for professional learning that will improve my coaching practice. I know what my strengths are as a coach, but I am still undecided about which coaching role to focus on in order to improve my practice. I need more time to think about my strengths and personal learning goal(s) in relation to my role as a coach.
Please us with any questions, concerns, ideas, or thoughts you have. We value your input as a way of shaping our future sessions. Tonya Burke Teacher Development, Office of Talent Development