AMVA4NewPhysics Work Packages 5,6,7 Tommaso Dorigo (INFN-Sezione di Padova) CERN, Kick-Off meeting, September 16 th 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

AMVA4NewPhysics Work Packages 5,6,7 Tommaso Dorigo (INFN-Sezione di Padova) CERN, Kick-Off meeting, September 16 th 2015

Contents Work Package 5: Career development and interdisciplinarity Work Package 6: Outreach activities Work Package 7: Management activities

Work Package 5 – Career development and interdisciplinarity Quoting from our programme: “Objectives: – Training of ESRs to apply developed tools tuned for HEP studies to non-HEP use cases; – identification of commonalities between problems in HEP and in other applications of SL tools, to foster the synergy between particle physics developments and external ones; – acquisition of training with the tools and in the environment of the partner companies; – acquisition of the specific know-how that makes the ESRs competitive in the job market; – award of doctoral degrees to ESRs engaged in doctoral programmes; – development of tailored career paths for ESRs to enhance their talent and direct them to successful career choices. “

Tasks foreseen in WP 5 Task 1 is the training of ESRs. They will receive training and will acquire skills and know-how that can be used in the jobs market. This will occur within the beneficiary organizations through supervision, courses, seminars, interaction with visiting scientists; and at workshops, schools, and in secondment at partner institutions. Task 2 is the identification of synergies in secondments at partner companies: the secondments will also allow trainees to identify chances for technology transfer from and to the academic sector. All partners have an important role in these tasks, through the offering of non-HEP use cases and commercial applications to be developed during the stages. Task 3 is the individual career development plan of ESRs: academic partners will provide joint supervision and develop together with the trainees their personalized career development plans.

Deliverables and Milestones D5.1 Training in soft skills (mo. 18 or 34, depending on ESR hiring period). – These are two workshop-format events that should take place to CERN and UOXF according to our plans – They will include lectures on topics such as writing your cv giving presentations gender training team work organization D5.2 Network seminars to share the expertise gained in secondment at partner companies (mo. 34) – ESRs are expected to share the knowledge and the experience they acquire in the industrial working environment – this can be a dedicated network event or part of one of the main meetings – In addition PIs should make sure that their ESR produces a written report of their activities in secondment these can then be collected and form an appendix to the document we present to the EU to describe the completion of this deliverable WP 5 also includes two milestones: MS20 Design of individual career development plans (mo. 9 to 17) This activity will involve ESRs with their main supervisors and the Training and Events officer, who will team up to study how to exploit effectively the competences of the trainee and how to direct his/her training and career choices during and after the PhD MS11 Completion of secondments (mo. 38) By month 38 all ESRs will have completed a 2- or 3-month internship at a partner company

Who does what in WP5 The leading node is INFN – so the oversight of all WP5 activities and the completion of deliverables is of course a responsibility of INFN (coordinator and members of node) A big role is played by the Training and Events Officer, who should follow the ESR activities and take part in the design of the training path of students with the main supervisor, e.g. – will he/she benefit from attending this school at this time ? – are there some defects in his/her preparation in some specific areas ? Can some specific training be suggested to improve it ? – is that conference of benefit to his/her CV ? Partner company supervisors are warmly encouraged to contribute to the design of personalized career paths for the trainees – during secondment they will act as main supervisors of the ESR’s activities, and should aim at maximizing the benefits of the work experience they offer – after secondment, they are invited to continue in their advisory role – Partners should also help identify and help exploit possible synergies from and to academia connected to the work activities and products developed by the ESRs The Equal Opportunities Officer and the Training and Events Officer should help design the Soft Skills workshops, identifying the most proficuous topics and speakers and the ESRs that should attend them – there are two such events, and each ESR should attend at least one – Gender-specific lectures are foreseen

Work Package 6 - Outreach Quoting from our programme: “Objectives: – Public dissemination of programme activities and results; – science popularization through web activities; – engagement of trainees in outreach; – development of trainees skills in talking to the public; – engagement of laypersons in particle physics and statistics”

Tasks foreseen in WP 6 Task 1 is to raise interest in physics and statistics. ESRs will participate in micro-outreach activities by writing at least twice a month articles about their research projects and the activities they engage in [...] in the network blog. Other will also contribute with a similar cadence [...]; authors will interact with readers by promptly answering comments, creating a horizontal communication environment. The blog, coordinated by the network’s Press Office, will be publicized by the participating organizations. The blog will adapt to the interests of its audience using feedback provided by traffic data, comments, external links, and site activity [...]. ESRs will also make extensive use of Twitter and other social media to keep connected with the other members of the network as well as with followers [...]. To improve their skills and their outreach action the ESRs will follow the course on “Science communication using the web” offered by the Masters in Science Communication in UNIPD. Trainees will also produce articles for organization newsletters to sharpen their dissemination skills. Task 2 is the training of ESRs to give outstanding public lectures. Each node is responsible for the effective organization of public events, especially seminars offered to high school students aimed at describing the status of LHC research. Trainees will also participate in the yearly “Researcher’s night” by offering short talks on their research activities, as well as in other similar initiatives [...]. The network’s Press Office will handle the distribution of outreach initiatives, coordinate the events, offer seminars to the schools, and publicize all activities of the WP. [...]

Deliverables and Milestones The Work Packages foresees three deliverables: D6.1 Network Blog and Hashtag (mo. 4) – The blog is discussed elsewhere today – but it is important to stress that everybody should contribute – The twitter hashtag is already active; we should produce also a network account – Pietro Vischia (Outreach Officer) will say a few words on this later D6.2 Assessment of impact of outreach activities in outreach workshop talks (mo. 37) – In our outreach workshop we will survey the success of the blog and of the other activities of WP6. Analysis of traffic on the blog is one of the methods; a questionnaire to the students attending lectures by ESRs and other network members can be envisioned and used to collect data D6.3 Public seminars in high schools and public events by ESRs (mo. 47) – these need to be organized locally by contacting schools. INFN will provide help And the following milestone: MS10 Assessment of blog success for outreach purposes (mo. 37)

Who does what in WP 6 The press office will manage the blog, in collaboration with the Outreach Officer All nodes should be proactive in finding occasions for the ESRs to visit high schools and to offer seminars and public lectures PIs should work with the coordinator to ensure that network events contain a marked outreach component (an example will be given later, when discussing the next all-network meeting organization) ESRs themselves should realize that part of their job is to create interest in what they do, by using the blog and all available social media – the plan of ESR workload in the WPs in fact foresees one month-work per year is spent in outreach activities, or 40’ per day (one blog post ?) All of us should contribute by offering texts describing our research activities, the events we attend, or just the funny little facts of our lives as scientists. A blog is more successful if we write also on personal matters – e.g. the trouble of your last flight, or the crazy schedule of last week

Work Package 7 - Management Quoting from our programme: “Objectives: – Smooth coordination and communication between the partners in the Consortium; – risk management and steering action; – organization of workshops; – achievement of highest quality of training and supervision; – achievement of the goals of the programme”

Tasks foreseen in WP 7 “The tasks foreseen in WP7 include recruitment of ESRs and management of bureaucratic issues connected to it, in coordination with the local administrative staffs of the beneficiary institutions; the organization of workshops, schools, and other events, in collaboration with the host institution as needed; the direction of the press office; the coordination of the research activities of WP 1-4, in collaboration with the lead beneficiaries; and the oversight of all supervision activities to ensure the highest possible quality of the offered training.”

Deliverables and Milestones The Work Packages foresees six deliverables: D7.1 Supervisory Board of the network (mo.2) D7.2 Progress report (mo. 13) D7.3 Mid-term review meeting (mo.26) D7.4 Draft periodic report (mo.24) D7.5 Organization of network events 1 (mo. 24) D7.6 Organization of network events 2 (mo. 48) And three milestones: MS17 Planned recruitments completed (mo. 12) MS18 Advertisement of positions (mo. 4) MS19 Award of doctoral degrees (mo.47)

Who does what in WP 7 The management of the network is care of the coordinator, who acts with the executive board of the network and under the supervision of the Supervisory Board Recruitment is however the responsibility of each node separately. The coordinator (or his deputy) will participate in all selection committees; the advertisement of the calls for application will be coordinated by the press office Doctoral degrees are the responsibility of the main supervisors Organization of network events is care of the press office, the local node, and the training and events officer who will in some cases oversee the agenda and the participation of ESRs