1) EDUCATION. Yours should look like this: Ste. Genevieve High School, Ste. Genevieve, MO Projected graduation, May, 20XX 2) REFERENCES. Yours should look like this: References: available upon request 3) EMPLOYMENT. Always include like this: Job title, place of business, location, dates For example: Teacher, Ste. Genevieve High School, Ste. Genevieve, MO, 1995 to present Then add two or three skills using ACTION statements
BABYSITTING Fed kids Picked up after them Played with them Supervised two children, ages seven and five Entertaining them and meeting their nutritional needs were among my duties
MOWED YARDSLAWN CARE ASSISTANT Mowed Weed-eated Worked on mowers Efficiently mowing and trimming lawns Maintained equipment in top condition
Look at any areas you can fix Revise your resume and print out. Attach to your first resume & scoring guide Put in the blue tray No grades will be recorded until the revisions are turned in All revisions are due at the start of class on Thursday