Why Use Young Adult Literature in Content Teaching?
YAs and Fiction According the ALA... –20 % of library card patrons are under 18 –Fiction preferred over nonfiction (implications for PSSA) Coming-of-Age issues
YAL Explores... “Societal issues that cut across content areas...” –Conflict and violence –Ethical and ecological decisions –Family life YAL is not well known by content area teachers –Librarians and Media Specialists Help pair books and content area concepts
Selecting and Recommending Journal Reviews –Print or electronic (handout) Booklist V.O.Y.A (Voice of Youth Advocates) School Library Journal Library Media Connection
A Good Novel... “Has the potential to illuminate concepts in...” –History –Science –Mathematics –Art –Music –Writing –Health –Agriculture –Sociology/Psychology
Making Personal and Intertextual Connections Intertextual connections –“constructing meaning from multiple texts, including fiction, nonfiction, film, and other discourse” (Rogers & Tierney, 2002) Text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world