CHAPTER 17 Public Logistics
17-2 政府功能民營化 (privatization) Defines “Ownership” Defines “Ownership” Main Issues: 效率 (efficiency) 效率 融資能力 (ability to raise capital) 融資能力 安全性 (Safety) 公平性 (fairness) 公平性 貪污 (corruption) 貪污
17-3 Issues efficiency Static efficiency Static efficiency Dynamic efficiency Dynamic efficiency Universal Service Obligation (USO) – Universal Service Obligation (USO) – 普及性服務責任 可及性 (accessibility) Postal Service to everyone Postal Service to everyone Aspects of transport infrastructure: Aspects of transport infrastructure: Private goods Private goods Club goods Club goods Public goods Public goods
17-4 Privatization types 完全處分 (divesture) 綠地專案 (Greenfield Projects) 公有民營專案 (Operate and Maintain projects O&M) 特許經營 (concessions)
17-5 Military Logistics 1866 普奧戰爭 (Austro Prussian War) 二次世界大戰 (World War II) 1991 波斯灣戰爭 (Gulf War)
17-6 Difference Between Military Logistics & Business Logistics Pagonis ( 巴格尼斯 ) Profit vs. Lives 利潤相對於生命 Military Logistics : about human lives Business Logistics: making money Average age/responsibility of personnel 人員平均年齡 / 責任 Military Logistics : average age- young (25 years old) Business Logistics: older
17-7 Difference Between Military Logistics & Business Logistics Inventory Military Logistics : large stocks on hand (vast) Business Logistics: minimizing it &receiving it only when needed
17-8 Postal Service International mail 70% : originates in developed countries 10-20% : originates in developing countries Incoming and outgoing mails 轉寄信 (r ing) : For lower International postal rates
17-9 International Trade in Toxic Waste Toxic Waste $200/ton: burial $2,000/ton: burning Case: Khiah Sea –p402
17-10 Disaster Relief Logistics Highly specialized form of logistics for tasks that are non-routine and can’t be anticipated with any significant degree of specificity. Characteristics: Strategic planning Project (tactical) planning Case: Persian Gulf War –p402
17-11 Success Private Company- continue to do your job Disaster Relief - You have worked yourself out of a job Critically Important to the success of logistical support in any emergency situation: Information Communications Efficient transportation methods
17-12 Computer Systems 聯合國國際緊急救災網 (UNIENET) 世界食物計畫 (WFP) 災難輔助運籌/物流資訊系統 (DALIS)
17-13 Cases Case: Airports –p389 Case: Khiah Sea –p402 Case: Persian Gulf War – p402, 404, 406, 407