Authorised Financial Services Provider – FSP No: 859
Evolusie, kundigheid en instellings: Die Suid Afrikaanse Ekonomie Presented by: Dawie Roodt 16 September 2008
Australopithecines 5.5mya Paranthropus 2.7 mya Homo Habilis 2.5 mya Homo Erectus 1.5 mya Neanderthals 230k ya Homo Sapiens “Humans” Migrate across Asia & Europe 195,000 yrs ago Evolution Timeline
Hunter-Gatherers Nomadic Small Groups No Specialisation No ‘Surplus’ Diet: High Protein Low Fat Short Life expectancy
Domestication of Animals Domesticate animals Bigger clans Nomadic Diet High Protein More Fat Longer life expectancy Small surplus
Civilisation: Mesopotamia Domesticate plants – especially grain Carbohydrates more energy free time ‘surplus’ Non-nomadic Cities Spesialisation Civilisation: ‘tall buildings’
Key Characteristics of Civilisation Organised Government Complex Religion Job Specialisation Social Class Writing & Record Keeping Arts & Architecture Public Works Monotheism Polytheism Royalty Priests Traders Labourers
Dawn of Democracy Establishment of Institutions…
Destruction of Institutions Democracy: New Leader Appointed Ecstatic! Change Economic Policy: More ‘democratic’ Negative Impact on Investment Savings Confidence UNDERMINES Economy Take from the “Haves” (non-supporters) Give to the “Have-Nots” (supporters) IGNORES Private Property Rights
Destruction of Institutions Democracy: New Leader Appointed Ecstatic! Change Economic Policy: More ‘democratic’ Take from the “Haves” (non-supporters) Give to the “Have-Nots” (supporters) Negative Impact on Investment Savings Confidence Media & Press: Report on Disapproval and Objections by Public BANS Freedom of Press Court & Legal System: Public tries to find Justice through legal system DESTROYS Independent Judiciary Start to Print Money Capital Dwindles…. DESTROYS Independence Central Bank IGNORES Private Property Rights UNDERMINES Economy Inflation: 19,000,000%
Destruction of Institutions Democracy: New Leader Appointed Ecstatic! Change Economic Policy: More ‘democratic’ Take from the “Haves” (non-supporters) Give to the “Have-Nots” (supporters) Negative Impact on Investment Savings Confidence Media & Press: Report on Disapproval and Objections by Public BANS Freedom of Press Court & Legal System: Public tries to find Justice through legal system DESTROYS Independent Judiciary Start to Print Money Capital Dwindles…. DESTROYS Independence Central Bank IGNORES Private Property Rights Voting System: Public tries to vote dictator out DESTROYS Democratic Process UNDERMINES Economy Democracy: Mugabe-Style 1 Man, 1 Vote, 1 Candidate!
Destruction of Institutions Democracy: New Leader Appointed Ecstatic! Change Economic Policy: More ‘democratic’ Take from the “Haves” (non-supporters) Give to the “Have-Nots” (supporters) Negative Impact on Investment Savings Confidence Media & Press: Report on Disapproval and Objections by Public BANS Freedom of Press Court & Legal System: Public tries to find Justice through legal system DESTROYS Independent Judiciary Start to Print Money Capital Dwindles…. DESTROYS Independence Central Bank IGNORES Private Property Rights Voting System: Public tries to vote dictator out DESTROYS Democratic Process UNDERMINES Economy
Destruction of Institutions in SA? Private Property Rights 2008: Land Expropriation Bill
Freedom of Press Destruction of Institutions in SA?
Independent Judiciary Destruction of Institutions in SA? Zuma’s Mauritius Papers
Independence Central Bank Destruction of Institutions in SA? interest rate SARB Hikes 10 Times!
Democratic Process POLOKWANE Destruction of Institutions in SA?
ZimBOBwean Economy: Breakdown
South African Economy: Breakdown Source: StatsSA, Q108
South Africa:
Economic Overview M3 (average)23.1%23.7%20.0% PSCE (average)27.6%22.2%19.9% CPIX (average)4.6%6.5%11.6% Prime (end of year)12.5%14.5%15.5% Current Account: Nom-R111.0bn-R138.2bn-R164.0bn Current Account: GDP-6.4%-7.3%-7.2% R/$ (end of year)R7.04R6.84R7.80 GDP (full year)5.4%5.1%3.0% Budget Surplus/(Deficit): GDP (0.3%)0.7%0.4%
Household debt to disposable income Source: SARB and own calculations 44.5% 50.2% 56.9% 59.4% Q208: 76.7%
Savings to disposable income of households Source: SARB and own calculations 9.2% 5.4% 2.6% 0.5% Q208: -0.5%
Economic Overview (est.) M3 (average)23.1%23.7%20.0% PSCE (average)27.6%22.2%19.9% CPIX (average)4.6%6.5%11.6% Prime (end of year)12.5%14.5%15.5% Current Account: Nom-R111.0bn-R138.2bn-R164.0bn Current Account: GDP-6.4%-7.3%-7.2% R/$ (end of year)R7.04R6.84R7.80 GDP (full year)5.4%5.1%3.0% Budget Surplus/(Deficit): GDP (0.3%)0.7%0.4%
Source: StatsSA and own calculations CPIX Average: % Inflation
Economic Overview M3 (average)23.1%23.7%20.0% PSCE (average)27.6%22.2%19.9% CPIX (average)4.6%6.5%11.6% Prime (end of year)12.5%14.5%15.5% Current Account: Nom-R111.0bn-R138.2bn-R164.0bn Current Account: GDP-6.4%-7.3%-7.2% R/$ (end of year)R7.04R6.84R7.80 GDP (full year)5.4%5.1%3.0% Budget Surplus/(Deficit): GDP (0.3%)0.7%0.4%
Economic Overview M3 (average)23.1%23.7%20.0% PSCE (average)27.6%22.2%19.9% CPIX (average)4.6%6.5%11.6% Prime (end of year)12.5%14.5%15.5% Current Account: Nom-R111.0bn-R138.2bn-R164.0bn Current Account: GDP-6.4%-7.3%-7.2% R/$ (end of year)R7.04R6.84R7.80 GDP (full year)5.4%5.1%3.0% Budget Surplus/(Deficit): GDP (0.3%)0.7%0.4%
Economic Overview M3 (average)23.1%23.7%20.0% PSCE (average)27.6%22.2%19.9% CPIX (average)4.6%6.5%11.6% Prime (end of year)12.5%14.5%15.5% Current Account: Nom-R111.0bn-R138.2bn-R164.0bn Current Account: GDP-6.4%-7.3%-7.2% R/$ (end of year)R7.04R6.84R7.80 GDP (full year)5.4%5.1%3.0% Budget Surplus/(Deficit): GDP (0.3%)0.7%0.4%
Economic Overview M3 (average)23.1%23.7%20.7% PSCE (average)27.6%22.2%18.2% CPIX (average)4.6%6.5%11.6% Prime (end of year)12.5%14.5%16.0% Current Account: Nom-R111.0bn-R138.2bn-R164.0bn Current Account: GDP-6.4%-7.3%-7.2% R/$ (end of year)R7.04R6.84R7.80 GDP (full year)5.4%5.1%3.0% Budget Surplus/(Deficit): GDP (0.3%)0.7%0.4%
Background Gold Deficit Surplus
Where did the Money Go? Poverty Relief Education ; The ‘Skills Debate’
To Stay or Not to Stay...?? Source: Documented Migration Publication, StatsSA IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007: “SA’s brain drain is one of the worst in the world”
To Stay or Not to Stay...?? UKAustraliaCanadaSouth Africa Average Destination of Emigrants (%) 33%15%3% Eco Indicators Real Eco Growth (GDP, 2007,Q3) 2.4%4.3%2.9%4.7% Inflation (CPI, avg. 2008)2.1%3.2%1.9%7.2% Currency p US$£0.51$1.14CAN$1.02R7.10 Marginal Tax Rate40%48.5%29%40% Socio Indicators Life Expectancy at birth Adult Literacy rate (>15yr,%) UN HDI Rank16 th – th – rd th – Murders p capita, rank ( ) 46 th – th – th – nd – 49.6 Sources: Economic Indicators, Economist. UN HDI 2007/2008, 7 th UN Survey of Crime Trends 1998 – 2000
Importing Skills – A realistic solution..? US (1 st ) UK (7 th ) Australia (6 th ) Canada (3 rd ) India (17 th ) China (26 th ) South Africa (30 th ) Source: “Mapping Global Talent” - Heidrick&Struggles and The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007
Education Expenditure Comparison Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( Average: 4.7 Equatorial Guinea Zimbabwe South Africa (’06 & ’07) Lesotho
The Reading Literacy of Fourth Grade Students Source: US Department of Education, PIRLS 2006 HighIntermediateLowNone Russian Federation(565) United States (540) Macedonia (442) South Africa (302) Morocco (323) Qatar (353)
Matric Pass Rate and Exemptions Source: Department of Education, Matric Results Press Release, 2007
Matric Results: Maths and Science 2007 Maths HG 6.9%; Science HG 7.6% Source: Department of Education, Matric Results Press Release, 2007
The Two Complimentary E ’s: E ducation and E mployment EducationUnemployment Grade % Grade % NTC 1 to NTC % Dipl./Cert with Grade % Degree/Higher3.1% Source: Labour Force Survey Sept 2007, StatsSA
Authourised Financial Services Provider – FSP No: 859