- Transition Update Briefing - Paul F. Moersdorf NOAA Climate Observation Program 3 rd Annual System Review April 27, 2005 TAO Tropical Atmosphere Ocean
Outline Transition Goals Phased Transition Schedule FY2005 Activities Software Transition –Approach; Schedule; Status; Issues / Risks Transition Metrics Summary Backup Slides: Activities by Fiscal Year New
Community understanding of Transition Plan. Activities transparent to both research and operational users, both domestic and international. Track metrics developed from operational and research requirements. Establish and maintain successful NWS / OAR partnership enabling transfers from research to operations. Transition Goals
NDBC assumed management responsibility on October 1, Technical interface team will be at PMEL and NDBC as appropriate during the transition process. The tropical mooring data assembly center (DAC) will be established at NDBC. PMEL will be funded to conduct FY2005 operations. Configuration change process allows for new requirements subject to NOAA approval process. Acquire new resources (FY06 CCRI* Tropical Buoy Expansion; FY07 Program Plan) to capitalize on tech development of the next generation of moored buoys. Phased Transition * Climate Change Research Initiative
Schedule Transition PMEL: O&M R&D NDBC: O&M PMEL: R&D FY05FY06FY07FY08 P 3 I (Planned new capabilities) Technology Refresh NDBC management DAC & s/w
FY2005 Activities No.Transition ActivityStatus 1Complete TAO InventoryIn Progress 2Establish NOAA Corps NDBCAwaiting Decision 3Assign TAO ship support to NDBCComplete at NMAO 4Maintain present data availabilityOn Target 5Establish NDBC TAO Data Assembly CenterMore detail follows 6Establish NDBC / PMEL Transition TeamRevisit for FY06 7Provide Technology Refreshment PlanDraft to PMEL 8Ensure TAO assets are available for researchIn Progress 9Provide next generation mooring proposalIn Discussion 10Conduct semi-annual COSC reviewOn Target
Software Transition Approach TAO consist of five subsystems, as identified below: –Real-time Processing Subsystem –Inventory & Calibration Subsystem (*) –Real-time Data Monitoring Subsystem –Delayed-Mode RAM Processing Subsystem –Web Data Display and Delivery Subsystem The TAO transition is primarily a re-hosting effort from Solaris at PMEL to Linux at NDBC. Otherwise, all software and data storage processes will remain the same. *Due to the phased transition, there will be shared responsibility for the Inventory and Calibration Subsystem through FY06 when NDBC transitions the Engineering / Operational portion of TAO
Software Transition Schedule Completed items: –Kickoff meeting between NDBC/PMELOctober 2004 –Initial Requirements Meeting January 2005 –Receiving TAO ARGOS data at NDBCJanuary 2005 –Software Requirements SpecificationFebruary 2005 –Architecture DocumentFebruary 2005 –Installation of two servers at NDBCMarch 2005 End to End TestingApr-Jun 2005 Initial Operational Capability June 2005 Full Operational Capability July 2005
Software Transition Status Real-time Processing Subsystem 29 programs and 42 scripts/Perl modules have been compiled and are being tested. MySQL database with 55 tables has been transitioned. Real-time Data Monitoring Subsystem 82 scripts (Shell, Perl, CGI) have been modified and ready to test. Web Data Display and Delivery Subsystem 1,523 programs have been compiled; 239 scripts (CGI, Java) have been modified; approximately 3,000 modules are outstanding. Delayed Mode Subsystem All 560 software modules are outstanding.
Software Transition Issues / Risks Much legacy software. Porting code versus a development effort requires more coordination upfront but less time for parallel testing. Requires PMEL support throughout migration. QA process is highly interactive. Present NDBC contract expires at critical time in schedule.
Transition Metrics MetricOct-DecJan-MarApr-JunJul-Sep Real time data return / total all sensors90%92% Number of sites maintained4115 Number of CTD profiles logged14754 Track line (km) w/ shipboard ADCP data30,3660 Number of drifting buoys / floats deployed17 / 37 / 10 Number of data files delivered by: PMEL NDBC 35, ,088 0 Number web page hits recorded by: PMEL NDBC 6.6M 0 6.6M 0 Days at sea logged by: PMEL NDBC Total expenditures by: PMEL (OGP $) NDBC (NWS $) $644K $ 53K $644K $331K No. “refreshed” components / mooring fielded0 / 0
Transition is proceeding. Re-hosting legacy software code is ongoing. Lack of OAR transition funding for PMEL is slowing transition. Tsunami efforts utilize some of the same folks. Availability of FY2006/2007 funding is needed for technology refresh. Timing of PIRATA transition undecided. Summary
Backup Slides: Activities by Fiscal Year TAO Tropical Atmosphere Ocean
FY04 Activities Phase 0 1. TAO data used to detect and forecast 2004 El Nino 2. Transition Plan given to Climate Program Manager. 3. Internal and external groups reviewed plan. 4. Tropical portion of CCRI defined during PPBES Climate Program addressed pre-planned product improvement in PPBES PMEL / NDBC partnership learned valuable lessons in DART transfer. 7. NDBC / PMEL have provided Office of Global Programs with data management support.
FY05 Activities Phase I 1. Maintain the existing TAO data availability. 2. Establish a tropical mooring data assembly center (tropical DAC) at NDBC. 3. Establish NDBC / PMEL TAO Transition Team in Seattle. 4. Provide Technology Refreshment Plan to Climate Program for approval. 5. Ensure TAO assets (i.e., buoys and ship resources) are available for use in research activities. 6. Provide next generation mooring proposal to Climate Program for approval.
FY06 Activities Phase II 1. Maintain the TAO data availability. 2. Maintain DAC to support both researchers and operational users. 3. Continue to refresh obsolete TAO array components in accordance with the approved Technology Refreshment Plan. 4.Fund technology development of next generation tropical mooring design. 5. Prepare PIRATA transition plan.
FY07 Activities Phase III 1. Maintain TAO array at present availability. 2. Merge DAC with NDBC IOOS DAC. 3. Complete procurement of tech refresh components. 4.Fund Pre-Planned Product Improvements based on the next generation tropical mooring developments in response to operational gap. 5. Conduct final review of transition.
Contact Information Paul F. Moersdorf, PhD Director National Data Buoy Center Stennis Space Center, MS TAO Tropical Atmosphere Ocean