Closing session AENEAS TRAINING Munich Workshop Maarten van Bemmelen
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Topics of presentation Some highlights from the workshop The follow-up of Munich workshop The future AENEAS workshops Evaluation of the workshop Feedback on the site visits
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Some highlights (1 of 4) In Mobility Management and Marketing we have to set realistic goals Especially European projects seem to have over ambitious goals related to changes in modal split A campaign can only exactly reach the needs of a small group of people Marketing can only change the materialistic or concrete constructs, not the core constructs
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Some Highlights (2 of 4) The target group of older people is diverse, you should further define the group (also exclude some) Gender, age, vision on mobility, physical ability, lost partner etc. Do not have the ambition to change the petrol head Direct marketing can provide targeted information In Patenticket project, candidates are selected by family or friends
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Some highlights (3 of 4) To make a change in mobility behaviour people need to experiment and to receive validation How to get people to a training/expriment: Direct marketing, set a date and place Work with peers Grand children can have a convnicing power Work with existing structures/organisations of older people Provide positive feedback to participants in trainings
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Some highlights (4 of 4) Mobility marketing and mobility management measures can reach impacts in a cost effective way Some examples 14 % feedback from direct marketing among older people in Munich 30% of participants in Patenticket buy a season ticket right after the trial period Why do we not implement these actions everywhere and on a large scale?
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Follow up training workshop All power points available on the AENEAS website within two weeks Abstracts of the presentations, summaries of the discussions and outcomes of the smaller groups and the site visits will be integrated in the workshop report A draft of the workshop report will be send to all participants and speakers in two weeks (18 th of March), this will include participants list After comments the final version of the report will be publicly available on the website You receive a final version directly and we will ask you how you have spread the lessons from the workshop
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Odense Training Workshop Theme: Cycling and health Fourth AENEAS training workshop 9-10 th of June 2010, Odense Training organised in the Castle We will continue with the same format: Plenary session on day 1 Interactive elements Small groups and site visit on day 2
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Odense Training Programme First speakers of plenary part confirmed: The relation between cycling and health, the case of older people, by Lars Bo Andersen, SDU An action plan for older cyclist in Denmark, based on focus group discussions, Pernille Ehlers, Council for Safe Traffic Mobility policy in Odense, the interplay between infrastructure and cycling promotion campaigns, Connie Juel Clausen/ Birthe Papsø, City of Odense A selection of practical experiences with cycling activation and safety projects for older people Cycling trip in Odense and meet with participants in local cycling measure Small group work based on site visit
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Salzburg Training Workshop Older passengers: It´s all about communication. How to address them? How to keep them? 24 th and 25 th of November 2010
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Evaluation of the workshop Thank you for completing the questionnaire
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Site visits For us it is important to receive feedback on the site visits as well A rapporteur will take note of the discussion Also complete the even shorter questionnaire and give it to the rapporteur or your guide
AENEAS is supported by: Maarten van Bemmelen (Donostia-San Sebastián) AENEAS TRAINING Munich Please stay in touch! We want to continue the exchange Come to one of the next workshops Visit/contribute to our good practice database Subscribe to the newsletter Receive a hardcopy of our high-level deliverables