80/20 Planning and Implementation Andrew and Daryl Grant
Agenda (morning) 1. About 80/20 planning 2. Review survey answers 3. Identify current situation – positives and negatives 4. Identify where you want to be in 3 years
Agenda (afternoon) 1. Possible methods to achieve 3 year goal 2. Prioritise methods using Impact Ease grid 3. Action plan for priorities 4. One page plan
About 80/20 planning 1. Now-where-how process 2. 80/20 principle 3. Formula for change
Now-where-how NOW WHERE HOW
80/20 Principle 20% of effort gets 80% of results 20% of projects make 80% of revenue 20% of projects cause 80% of the problems 20% of the people do 80% of the work 20% of the customers generate 80% of the revenue 20% of customers cause 80% of the headaches
Formula for change D x V x P > C
Problems people experience with planning Don’t do it Over-complicate it Get into “paralysis by analysis” No clear method Begin with tactical before strategic, or How before Now and Where No buy in from others involved (eg spouse)
Problems people experience with planning Don’t update plan regularly Don’t stick to the plan Get distracted once it’s working No action plan, with responsibilities and timeframes No ongoing monitoring, consequences, celebrations
Special guest Mike Filsaime
Where are you NOW?
Review survey answers in light of the last 3 days
NOW Analysis Audit your current situation: Physical, Emotional, Mental Positives and negatives for each Prioritise and choose the top 2-3 in each category
For example… Physical positives: Cash reserves Good friends with an expert in your chosen niche Physical negatives: Dial up internet connection Too busy with day job Emotional positives: Supportive friends who encourage you Emotional negatives: Addicted to TV Skeptical relatives
Prioritise and choose the top 1-2 in each category, giving you 3-6 strengths and 3-6 weaknesses
WHERE do you want to be in 3 years?
WHERE Analysis Endpoints to 3 successful years: Guided time-track List specific, measurable endpoints Write 3 year goal
HOW are you going to achieve your 3 year goal?
Possible methods to achieve goal For example: Set up ebook business with backend Set up 10 ebook businesses and hold them Set up 10 ebook businesses and sell them Set up own membership site Sell Andrew and Daryl’s mentoring program as an affiliate JV with other speakers (eg Paul Blackburn) JV with Andrew and Daryl on a membership site JV with other attendees
Prioritise possible methods Impact / Ease grid to decide where to start
Impact / Ease grid Impact: Assume you had a magic wand and could put the method in place. How well would it help you achieve your goal? Low = 1; High = 10 Ease: Regardless of its impact, do you have the time, money, skills and commitment to implement it? Hard = 1; Easy = 10 Tip: Rate highest (10) and lowest (1) first.
Impact / Ease grid ImpactEase 1. Ebook business with backend ebook businesses and hold ebook businesses and sell 4. Set up own membership site 5. Sell A&D’s mentoring program as affiliate 6. JV with other speakers 7. JV with A&D on a membership site 8. JV with other attendees
Impact / Ease grid ImpactEase 1. Ebook business with backend ebook businesses and hold ebook businesses and sell10 4. Set up own membership site 5. Sell A&D’s mentoring program as affiliate1 6. JV with other speakers 7. JV with A&D on a membership site 8. JV with other attendees
Impact / Ease grid ImpactEase 1. Ebook business with backend ebook businesses and hold ebook businesses and sell10 4. Set up own membership site9 5. Sell A&D’s mentoring program as affiliate1 6. JV with other speakers5 7. JV with A&D on a membership site9 8. JV with other attendees4
Impact / Ease grid ImpactEase 1. Ebook business with backend ebook businesses and hold ebook businesses and sell10 4. Set up own membership site91 5. Sell A&D’s mentoring program as affiliate JV with other speakers5 7. JV with A&D on a membership site9 8. JV with other attendees4
Impact / Ease grid ImpactEase 1. Ebook business with backend ebook businesses and hold ebook businesses and sell Set up own membership site91 5. Sell A&D’s mentoring program as affiliate JV with other speakers56 7. JV with A&D on a membership site97 8. JV with other attendees44
Impact / Ease grid Impact Low (1) High (10) Ease Hard (1) Easy (10)
What (4-5) key things need to be in place in the next 12 months for your selected strategy to be up and running and to achieve your 3 year goal?
Example Three year goals: Work less than 4 hours a day Online business making at least $5,000 per month I know I deserve to be wealthy Chosen strategy: Ebook business with backend Key things that need to be in place in 12 months: First ebook business set up Technical support in place to duplicate ebook business Time and skills in place to set up more ebook businesses Backend of one ebook business planned Addressed subconscious beliefs about money
The 4-5 “key things” become your key strategies for the next 12 months. You need to plan them in detail.
Action Planning for key things
How to write good actions 1.Start with an imperative verb (eg identify, write, build, interview, prepare). 2.Write 3-5 action steps for each of the key things that need to be in place in the next 12 months. 3.Add a date by when each of the key things will be in place. 4.Note who is responsible for doing each of the key things.
Example action plan for key things Strategy 1 - First ebook business set up: 1.Identify the niche 2.Write the sales letter 3.Build the product 4.Build the website 5.Sell ebooks, and monitor and fine tune.
One Page Plan (from Eclass #55)
One Page Plan (from Eclass #55)
Resources All available on one link at