1 Bacteria Structure
2 Moneran Characteristics too small to be seen without a microscope no true nucleus and no true organelles capsulecell wall covered by an outer capsule Sunday, November 22, 2015
3 Moneran Characteristics endosporessome form endospores to resist periods of heat, freezing or drought reproduce by simply dividing into two cells (video) (video 2)(video)(video 2) cells have one of three shapes-- spherical, rod-shaped, or spiral- shaped Sunday, November 22, 2015
4 Moneran Characteristics Importance: (in nature) decomposers that break down plant material and dead b bb bodies of animals into basic components that can be reused by other organisms. decomposers that break down organic matter (waste) into basic components that can be reused by other organisms Sunday, November 22, 2015
5 Moneran Characteristics Importance: (in human economy) used in industrial processes to make yogurt and buttermilk production of cheese depends on bacteria to change milk products to solids bacteria in cow stomachs help to digest plant material for milk production Sunday, November 22, 2015
6 Moneran Characteristics Importance: (in human economy) used in the making of linen and rope animal skins are tanned into leather with the help of bacteria many antibiotics are produced by bacteria Sunday, November 22, 2015
7 Moneran Characteristics Importance: (some bacterial diseases) bacterial pneumonia, bubonic plague, strep throat, meningitis, cholera, STDs (syphilis, gonorrhea), Lyme disease, typhus, tetanus, tuberculosis. Sunday, November 22, 2015
8 Bacteria Structure spherical rod spiral coccus bacillus spirillum
9 Bacteria Structure