Robert E. Wagner Sophomore Intense Laser Physics Theory Unit Illinois State University What are Cycloatoms? Support: NSF, Res. Corp., and ISU Honors Program
More Technical: Use RK4 to solve this Laser Magnetic field
Maximum speed v/c for each non- relativistic LL
Can we use classical mechanics to approximate quantum???? realization in terms of classical particles | (r)| 2 High probability Large density
Can we use classical mechanics to approximate quantum???? ?
Summary 1. P qm (r,t=0) => P cl (r,t=0) 2. realize P cl (r,t=0) in terms of 100,000 single trajectories 3. solve time evolution of each trajectory 4. compute a “smoothed” histogram = P cl (r,t) choose wisely: too small too large
Non-relativisticRelativistic Orbits stay in phase Orbits dephase relativistically Time (in 2 L y x
Non-relativistic Movie = L
Relativistic Movie = L
relativistic (exact)dephasing model Time Relativistic dephasing model replace (V 0 )
Steady state spatial electron distributions Multiple resonances Q. Su, R.E. Wagner, P.J. Peverly & RG, SPIE (in press) Fractional resonances = 1/2 L = 1/3 L = L = 2 L = 3 L
Fractional Resonance =1/2 L
Fractional Resonance =1/3 L
Summary Relativity leads to new phenomena in the spatial and temporal dynamics novel resonances => novel experiments cycloatoms dephasing [1] R.E. Wagner, Q. Su and R. Grobe, Phys. Rev. Lett. (April, 2000). [2] R.E. Wagner, Q. Su, and R. Grobe, Phys. Rev. A 60, 3233, [3] P.J. Peverly, R.E. Wagner, Q.Su and R. Grobe, Las. Phys. 10, 303 ( 2000). [4] Q. Su, R.E. Wagner, P.J. Peverly, and R. Grobe, SPIE (in press). [5] R.E. Wagner, P.J. Peverly, Q. Su and R. Grobe, Phys. Rev. A (in press).