U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Afghanistan Natural Resource Assessment and Reconstruction Project Geospatial Infrastructure Development: Task 7 - Digital Elevation Modeling by Pete Chirico
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: OBJECTIVE Develop publicly releasable digital elevation models (DEMs) at multiple resolutions from multiple sources to support USGS, USAID, and Afghan Ministries Reconstruction Projects 3D Perspective view of Panjshir valley developed from SRTM DEM and ASTER imagery
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 90m SRTM 30m SRTM 5m DEM DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: APPLICATION EXAMPLES Applications for which absolute* (not relative) DEMs are important: Medium horizontal resolution: 90m -30m Geologic Mapping and Interpretation Satellite Imagery Terrain Correction High horizontal resolution: 30m – 5m Hydrological Applications Geohazard Modeling Very-high horizontal resolution: 5m - 1m Infrastructure Site Selection and Engineering Urban Applications * absolute DEMs are tied to a vertical datum on the ground
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: FUNDING and STAFFING Budget First 6 Months: Gross Budget:$300,000 Net Budget after Assessment: $196,000 Proposed Second 6 Months: Gross Budget:$350,000 Net Budget after Assessment: $228,650 Staffing: ½ FTE Pete Chirico (GD EESP Team – Reston) ½ FTE Contractor (GD EESP Team – Reston) ½ FTE Kim Angeli (NMD Advanced Systems Center – Reston)
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: FY05 GOALS SRTM DEM Covering all of Afghanistan (no gaps) 85m horizontal resolution ASTER DEMs Regional Areas of Interest -approximately 38 ASTER Scenes 30m horizontal resolution High Resolution DEMs from Stereo –Ikonos Imagery Regional Areas of Interest – approximately 5 Areas 3-5m horizontal resolution Very-High Resolution DEM from NTM data Kabul Possibly one other area Geo-rectified Russian Topographic Maps 1:200,000 Scale 1:50,000 Scale Topographic effects on communication tower frequency range
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: FY05 PROGRESS SRTM DEM -Preliminary Official Use Only “gap-filled” ( with level 1 DTED data) DEM completed and delivered to EDC and Flagstaff -Continuing to produce publicly releasable elevation data to fill gaps ASTER DEMs -Regional Areas of Interest Identified -approximately 38 Level 1-A ASTER Scenes requested from EDC High Resolution DEMs from Stereo –Ikonos Imagery - No areas identified - yet Very-High Resolution DEM from NTM data -DIR written and Data requested for Kabul and Pol-i-Khomri study areas Geo-rectified Russian Topographic Maps 1:200,000 Scale -Scanned, Cropped, and Geo-rectified to Landsat Mosiac – supplied to EDC 1:50,000 Scale – Procured cropped and geo-rectified maps from Government source and supplied to EDC (1-CD of data missing –am working on correcting that)
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: SRTM DEM Preliminary “Gap-Filled” SRTM DEM 85m horizontal resolution
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: Gap Filling SRTM White voids are gaps in SRTM Data. Red areas show Russian 1:200,000 Maps for which contours have been digitized to fill SRTM data gaps.
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: Prelim ASTER DEM Areas Brown circles represent approximate ASTER Scene coverage. Red and orange boxes show identified priority areas
Afghan Reconstruction Project Meeting: Flagstaff 10/20/04 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELING TASK: FY05 PRODUCTS 3 Month Deliverables -Digital Collection of Geo-rectified Russian 1:200,000 scale map sheets -Digital Collection of Geo-rectified Russian 1:50,000 scale map sheets 6 Month Deliverables - Publicly releasable SRTM DEM segmented into 1:250,000 scale sheet series - ASTER DEMs of selected regions (Kabul, Mazar, Jalalabad, Pol-i-Khomri, and Panjshir) 12 Month Deliverables - ASTER DEMs of selected regions (Kandahar, Herat, others?) -1 or 2 High Resolution DEMs from Stereo –Ikonos Imagery - Very-High Resolution DEM of Kabul