Www.eu-etics.org INFSOM-RI-026753 SA2 Overview Valerio Venturi WP leader 2.


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Presentation transcript:

INFSOM-RI SA2 Overview Valerio Venturi WP leader 2

INFSOM-RI Summary Goals and objectivesGoals and objectives High level plans and timelineHigh level plans and timeline WP TeamWP Team MetricsMetrics ExpectationsExpectations

INFSOM-RI Goals and objectives Support – –Organize and provide a first-level user support, defining escalation procedures, define an on-line frequently asked questions, and produce a set of guidelines for new infrastructures Requirements – –Collect and understand user and infrastructure requirements, provide procedures to prioritize requirements according to their relevance and importance, identify solutions and develop them whenever possible, helping SA1 integrating new implementations in the ETICS system Integration – –Consider HPC and aerospace community as new infrastructures, help them to integrate the ETICS build, test and certification services in their applications, identify infrastructure services that can be applied to the ETICS system, like job management and security services Performances – –Analyse the current ETICS services, identify the ETICS services with low performances with respect to efficiency, scalability, fault-tolerance and usability, define procedures to trace the performances of the ETICS services, define solutions and develop them whenever possible

INFSOM-RI High level plans and timeline Tasks SA2.1Work Package coordination SA2.2Infrastructures support SA2.3Analysis of user requirements and implementation strategies SA2.4Extension of the ETICS Service to new infrastructures SA2.5Evaluation of ETICS services on the field and strategies for their improvement SA2.2DSA2.1User Support ProceduresM03 DSA2.5Guidelines for adopting ETICS as build and test system M15 SA2.3DSA2.2New infrastructures evaluation plan M06 SA2.4 SA2.5 DSA2.3Infrastructure services integration - Analysis M06 DSA2.4Infrastructure services integration - Implementation (Part 1) M12 DSA2.6Infrastructure services integration - Implementation (Part 2) M20 Tasks plus deliverables

INFSOM-RI High level plans and timeline SA2.2 Infrastructures support – –Partner INFN, VEGA, FZJ, SZTAKI, 4DSOFT – –First deadline M3 – –Plans – –M1.5 Start working on FAQ – –Phone call with NA2 next week? – –M1 evaluating different processes for user support – –Existing user support (Microsoft, Ubuntu) – –EGEE user support (GGUS) – –M2.5 deliverable for M3

INFSOM-RI High level plans and timeline SA2.3 Analysis of user requirements and implementation strategies – –Partners INFN, VEGA, FZJ – –First deadline – –Plans – –We already have a couple target applications from VEGA and FZJ – –Verify platforms – –M1 INFN provides info for VEGA and FZJ to be able to collect requirements – –rumors of an internal training, would help a lot – –M1.5 start collecting requirements – –VEGA, FZJ for new infrastructures and applications – –INFN for existing – –M2.5 start requirements analysis

INFSOM-RI High level plans and timeline SA2.4 Extension of the ETICS Service to new infrastructures – –Partner INFN, VEGA, FZJ – –First Deadline – –Plans – –M1.5 start collecting information (input JRA1, JRA2 needed?) – –UNICORE – –gLite – –M2.5 start analysis

INFSOM-RI WP team Valerio Venturi, INFN, WP Leader Marco Canaparo, INFN Michele Carpene’, INFN Michele Pace, INFN Elisabetta Ronchieri, INFN, WP Deputy Andre Giesler, FZJ Robert Lovas, SZTAKI Uwe Mueller, VEGA Eva Takacs, 4DSoft Internal meeting once a week every Thursday afternoon at 16:00

INFSOM-RI WP Metrics Support – –Number of support tickets – –Average time a ticket is open – –Number of tickets exchange with other support services (like second-level support) – –Amount of discussion on mailing lists – –Time spent on problem – –Number of people impacted per problem – –Number of users/infrastructure providers supported by ETICS Requirements, Integration – –Number of implemented requirements – –Total number of open/close bugs over time Performances evaluation – –User satisfaction with non functional performance

INFSOM-RI Expectations Infrastructure Support – –Collaboration with SA1 and NA2 User requirements – –Fed back to JRA1 and JRA2 Extension of services to new infrastructures – –JRA1 – –Job Management Service interface – –JRA2 – –Test interface Evaluation on the field – –Collaboration with SA1