This will be the final look of the foldable workspace. It consists of five pieces of cardboards. The back, tabletop, the two sides, and a shelve, which is in the top of the workspace but not shown here.
This is the back. We are marking the binding area for the tabletop. The dimension of this cardboard is 60”x 25”. The tabletop is 29” from the bottom.
This is the side, which will be folded into a shape of an “L” (top-down view) with the shorter side attached to the “back” cardboard. The height of this side cardboard is 29”. The length of the longer side of this “L” is 13”, and the shorter side is at least 5”. The cardboard we used is much bigger than the ideal size. All extra pieces will be folded to support the whole structure. We need two sides. They have to be symmetric.
Cutting the folding line. To fold a cardboard we used a cutter to create a dashed line. Depending on how we fold the cardboard, we create three types of dashed lines. This is because of the thickness of the cardboard cannot be ignored.
This is the tabletop. It’s a 25”x26” cardboard. But we use only 25”x13” as the tabletop. To increase the strength of the tabletop, we add two cardboards under it.