1. To analyze the factors that prevent nations from improving economically. 2. To develop an investment plan for your nation that will allow it to develop and prosper economically.
You are now the leaders of a developing country. It is your job to lead your country into the developed world. You have collected 60 million dollars in tax revenue from your citizens and you must properly invest that money in projects that will help your country grow and prosper. Project examples infrastructure, healthcare, technology and education
Once you have selected your investment projects there will be an event each day(Class). The events will be based off real life situations that happen every day around the world. The event may be positive or negative such as a new company opening a factory or a natural disaster such as a tornado. Depending on whether or not your country has invested properly and is prepared for the event you will rise or fall economically. If your country is not prepared you will lose one of your projects. If your country is prepared you will keep all your projects and possibly gain more money to purchase new ones.
1. ____________________ 7. ____________________ 10+= Developed 2. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 6-9= Developing 3. ____________________ 9. ___________________ 0-5= Underdeveloped 4. ____________________ 10. ___________________ 5. ____________________ 11. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 12. ____________________ Daily Events 1._________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3_________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6._________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ *Make a copy of this organizer for your notebook
Large military 15 million Small military 10 Upgrade to large military 5 K-12 education 10 Colleges/Universities 10 Modern farming tech 10 Infrastructure 10 Arts and museums 5 Electrical power 10 Technology 10 Missile defense system 10 Emergency forces 10 million Alternative energy 10 Vaccinations 10 Water treatment 10 Tourism 10 Railroads 10 Counter Terrorism 10 Parks & recreation 5 Satellite techn. 5 Healthcare 10 Wildlife Conservation 5 * Record your projects and events in your copy of your organizer
Select the two most important projects that you purchased for your country. Write one paragraph for each project explaining why the project was needed and how it will help your country prosper.
If you inform other students or classes of the daily events we will cancel the simulation for your class.