Tribal Earth Science & Technology Education TRESTE Workshop Blackfeet Community College June 7 – 9, 2007
6 of 9 Participating TCUs submitted Year 2 Annual Reports Turtle Mountain Ft. Berthold United Tribes Technical College Oglala Lakota Sinte Gleska Fond du Lac
1) Integrate ESS Concepts 5 reporting TCUs modified courses/labs to include ESS concepts (TM, FBCC, UTTC, OLC and FdL) 1 already had 2 courses developed around ESS concepts (SGU) 12 courses/labs modified 143 students enrolled 4 new courses/labs created (FBCC, OLC and FdL) 35 students enrolled
Case Studies 5 TCUs used TRESTE developed Missouri River case study (TM, FBCC, UTTC, OLC and FdL) 6 new ESS case studies were developed (FBCC, OLC and SGU) 2 additional case studies were modified from external sources (UTTC)
1 new program of study was developed (UTTC) Tribal Environmental Science 18 students enrolled 5 TCUs used weather instruments (TM, FBCC, OLC, SGU and FdL) UTTC will begin use during summer 2007
2) Incorporate geospatial data Each of the 6 reporting TCUs are using: Image processing in existing/new courses/labs Geospatial data GIS technology 4 TCUs are using: Landsat data (TM, FBCC, UTTC and OLCC) MODIS land products (TM, FBCC, UTTC and FdL)
3) Faculty Development TCU Faculty participated in telecons and attended workshops UTTC hosted 1 workshop
6 TCUs found Problem Based Learning to be beneficial in teaching “It is always a plus to tie in physical science principles with real world problems” “It offers me an additional methodology to incorporate and improve student learning” “Another useful tool to capture the interest and enthusiasm of the students”
Beneficial GIS Skills Acquired through TRESTE Accessibility of data Use of attribute tables Layering Introduction to ARCVIEW 9.0 Introduction to MODIS data Remote Sensing Reminder of the power of maps and graphs for representing data
Beneficial new data acquisition skills and/or tools EOS Gateway MRT Better preparation for teaching Ability to incorporate smaller scale versions of exercises
4) Outreach 5 reporting TCUs conducted outreach programs (TM, FBCC, UTTC, OLCC and SG) 10 outreach programs were conducted 138 attendees were members of: TCU faculty and staff Undergraduate/graduate students 4th – 8th grade students K-12 teachers Tribal government Reservation community members Federal Authorities
Planned Courses/Labs and Events 4 courses/labs are being modified for academic year 2007/08 (UTTC) 2 new courses are being developed (UTTC and FdL) 1 case study is being developed (TM) 2 additional outreach programs are planned 19 attendees are expected
5) Program Type of contact and related networking: Telecons Workshops Websites Occasional telephone conversations
Roadblocks Trouble loading MODIS Difficulty downloading data Resolved via telephone conversations with Dr. Don Perkey and Maury Estes Slow downloading of data sets Insufficient time
Recommendations More college administrator involvement Shorter teaching modules/shorter PBL presentations More assistance with access of local relevant data Enhance resources Davis or comparable integrated electronic weather station with software instead of GLOBE level weather station More face-to-face time at meetings More training of website tools Incorporate the desirable features of such initiatives as iGETT
Greatest benefit from participating in TRESTE Learned about GIS, satellite imagery and how these relate More awareness of remote sensing incorporation into instruction Exposure to NASA resources Networking with NASA personnel and other TCUs Access and training on MODIS, MRT and others Personal development Improvement of curricula Seeing how hard people are working to try and provide quality education for Native students
Overall TRESTE ratings Average rating of the program according to reporting TCUs: 4 Excellent being 5 Poor being 1