The Experience of Women with HIV in the UK PARTERNASHIP TO IMPROVE September 2004, Poland Angelina Namiba Direct Services Manager
The only national charity providing support for women living with HIV by women living with HIV
History Started 1987 By HIV+ women
Issues for women living with HIV Stigma and Discrimination Relationships Reproductive issues Children Disclosure Treatments Late Presentation/ lack of access Other Social issues
1-2-1 Direct Support National Helpline One to one sessions Outreach at clinics, hospitals and prisons
Group Support Group support and workshops Treatment advice and road shows Drugs and alcohol group
Volunteering and Traineeships Volunteer work placements Personal development Vocational training Part of the Positive Futures Partnership
Taking Part Ensure the voice of women living with HIV is heard Training and mentoring to take part in decision-making at local and national levels: Public Patient Involvement Forums Testimonies to Parliament
Peer Support Process From Isolation to Involvement Support Group Volunteering Taking Part Long Term goal: creating a society where an HIV diagnosis is not aggravated by huge stigma and discrimination
Summary Diversity of women living with HIV Complex choices: Reproductive Issues, treatment, relationships, disclosure Other Social issues Stigma and discrimination
Conclusions In the era of ARV therapy women living with HIV in the UK still have to face very complex choices. Support by women with HIV for women with HIV is still vital in improving health and quality of life. Through peer support women living with HIV in the UK have developed essential skills to become involved in influencing policy and actively challenge stigma and discrimination.
What really happens ….. When positive women get together…