Promoting Out & Supporting Down Line Supervisors Susan Wandishin, Senior Executive Supervisor Convention, 2006 “The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up the nebulae, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are star stuff.” ~Victor Tenbaum
Why promote out supervisors? $$$ Security for unseen events Time at home Income growth versus workload growth Personal development, yours & theirs Natural progression of the business –Mirror corporate management structure –Darwinism in large central group How do you allocate care and feeding?
How do you promote out supervisors? Your verbiage –Talk about when promoting –Don’t be apologetic Set date –Creates a level of commitment –If done properly, you can do it –Can always be revised
How do you promote out groups? Notice what they do –Phone calls – s w/ UBAH list – someone in their group and cc them –Send cards, e-cards –Have them speak at meetings or include article by them in newsletters –Celebrate others that promote Group On meeting agenda Flowers / cookies
How do you promote out groups? Coaching Role model being a supervisor –Show them it is EASY! Invest your time appropriately Remember: this is BUSINESS –Net”work” marketing
How do you promote out groups? Opportunity meetings Future Supervisor meetings Closer they get, the more support they need –Bolstering sessions –Mini contests Obvious purpose is goal Also effectively distract, be the “Wizard of Oz”
Goal Setting How to do it effectively –Personal relevance/importance –Specific and concrete –Duration, with assessment points along way –Measurable –Ambitious, but achievable –Positive, work toward something, not away from something –Short term goals that lead to long term goals/results (Stepping stones and dreams) –Celebrate the achievement!
Goal Setting, practice “My goal is to make more money.” “My goal is to make $50,000 per year.” “My goal is to make $50,000 per year by 2008.” Have dream, now need stepping stones –Promote out 2 – 3 first line supers per year –3 days/week, make 3 down line calls –Begin coaching leaders –Etc.
Goal Setting, final thoughts Hope is not a strategy! Make and review your own goals at least annually Know the goals of the people on your team Don’t confuse their goals with yours A goal is a commitment, don’t negate it or belittle it People can be very afraid to make that commitment, help them
Home Office Support Training –Convention –ALR –Supervisor Training Always something new If you go, they will follow! Edify
Home Office Support, Compensation Plan Override Levels Promotion Bonus –What it is –Utilize it to your benefit
ConsSuperSr Super ExecSr Exec Super Dir Qualifi- cations $700 personal $2000 Group 2 recr. Super + 2 first line 1 second & $20k Super + 3 first line 1 second 1 third & $30k Super + 4 first line 2 second 1 third & $50k Super + 6 first w/ one being exec. & $100k Promo- tion Bonus $500$1000 $2000 Promotion Bonus
They’ve promoted, now what? Coaching –Formal –Informal Mini contests Group contests Supporting further down line
Top 5 things to remember! #1 It’s NOT about you “Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and we must set off that spark in one another.” ~Kenny Ausubel
Top 5 things to remember! #2 Who is your next first line supervisor? “Every day that you sit back and wait for something to happen is another day lost.” ~Jennifer Flavin
Top 5 things to remember! #3 Don’t rush it, but do push it! “Fortune favors the bold.” ~Terence
Top 5 things to remember! #4 Edify!!! “ I have found that if you love life, life will love you right back.” ~Arthur Rubinstein
Top 5 things to remember! #5 The glass is half full! “The only thing that keeps one going is energy. And what is energy but liking life?” ~Louis Auchincloss
“The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up the nebulae, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are star stuff.” ~Victor Tenbaum