Evaluation of the types of epilepsy and other conditions in Kerman
Hossein Ali Ebrahimi M.D Professor of neurology- Faridadin Ebrahimi M.D Kerman University of medical sciences
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کرمان
EPILEPSY is a disorder characterized by recurrent seizures of cerebral origin, presenting with episodes of sensory, motor or autonomic phenomenon with or without loss of consciousness. Epilepsy is the second most common chronic neurological condition seen by neurologists.
Epilepsy is a chronic condition with complex effects on a person’s social, vocational, and psychological function.
Three to five per cent of the population have a seizure sometime in their life and half to one percent of the population have ‘active epilepsy’.
With time, the incidence of epilepsy and of unprovoked seizures decreased in children and increased in the elderly.
There is geographic variation in the incidence of epileptic syndromes likely to be associated with genetic and environmental factors, although as yet causality has not been fully established.
The diagnosis of epilepsy is essentially clinical, based on an eyewitness account of the seizure.
All patients who referred to our clinic evaluated. At least 2 years followed. EEG performed for all patients. The patients who need imaging was performed
TypeMaleFemaleTotal T-C S.T-C C.P.S J.M.E S.P.S Myoclonic16824 Lennox Gaust Petit mal336 West Synd.257 Atonic9514 F-General Total Unclassified573390
Our study in comparison with other
Epilepsy syndrome Type 100,000 of all casesRate (per Percentage) Idiopathic localization-related1.77% Symptomatic localization-related13.656% Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy % GTCS on awakening727% West syndrome0.91% Absence epilepsy0.92-3% Lennox–Gastaut % incidence of some of the epilepsy syndromes
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