Budgeting Makes Things Happen A Budgeting Course for Homeless Parents in Athens-Clarke County EDIT 6170 Introduction to Instructional Design The Designing Women Patty Freeman-Lynde Sara Ruth Kerr
Background 66% of homeless in Athens have an income. Low income individuals are less likely to prepare budgets than higher income individuals. Learning new skills or relearning skills to become independent is an important part of overcoming homelessness.
Training and the Homeless Community “Educational and training programs may be the most critical service offered by community-based organizations to enhance the ability of lower-income households to accumulate assets” -Alan Greenspan in a speech in 2002 while serving as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. “I am a firm believer that education is the key to moving out of poverty.” -Pastor Earl Delmarter, Director of the Sparrow’s Nest Mission, Athens, GA
Course objective Given an introduction to budgeting and its purposes, the student will be able to generate a personal budget and choose to maintain this budget by ensuring expenses do not exceed income.
Homeless Parents in ACC Most of our learners were motivated to learn about budgeting. “When a crisis hits, I’ll have some savings available.” “I need to learn how to pay bills, expenses, and have money left for things I want to do.” “I could manage my money better.”
Course Design A A
Instructional Strategies Informal small group fosters relaxed discussions "Can you remember the last 5 things you bought and how much they cost?" Hands-on practice creating a real personal budget Distribute small notebooks for writing down expenses before next lesson
Field Trial The field trial took place at Athens Area Homeless Shelter. Four homeless parents completed the lesson. Students were given paper budgeting forms to complete, pencils and note cards for a game.
Hands-on budgeting activity What did you learn in this course? “Budget awareness, what are you working with.” “That I need a very good paying job to get by nowadays.” “That general living expenses cost way more than I thought and budgeting goes a long way.”
Assessment Personal Financial Well-Being Scale Pre and Post Test Results
Evaluation What parts of the course were confusing? “None, I just need someone over my shoulder yelling: ‘Budget, Budget!!’” What parts of the course were confusing? “None, I just need someone over my shoulder yelling: ‘Budget, Budget!!’” Will you create a budget for your family? “Definitely, as soon as I get a job.” Will you create a budget for your family? “Definitely, as soon as I get a job.” Will you create a budget for your family? “Maybe, cause here I don’t really have much to budget.” Will you create a budget for your family? “Maybe, cause here I don’t really have much to budget.” What would you change about the course? “Have more than one session.” What would you change about the course? “Have more than one session.”