Civil Rights Training
Goals of Civil Rights Equal treatment for all applicants and participants Elimination of illegal barriers that prevent people from receiving benefits Participant knowledge of rights and responsibilities Dignity and respect for ALL
What Is Discrimination? Distinguishing a person, or group of people, either in favor of or against others intentionally and doing so by neglect or by actions or by lack of actions based on the six protected classes.
Six Protected Classes Federal law prohibits discrimination in all child nutrition programs of these protected classes: Race Color National Origin Sex Age Disability
Areas of Compliance to Discuss Public Notification System (PNS) News Release And Justice For All Non-Discrimination Limited English Proficiency Data Collection Training Civil Rights Complaints
PNS – News Release Inform media sources – not required to pay for publication Maintain record of announcement and media contact information
PNS And Justice For All Prominent Placement Originals Only
PNS – Nondiscrimination Statement “In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability” “To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC or call 1(866) (toll free), 1(800) (Federal Relay Service) or 1(800) (Spanish Speaking Assistance). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
Both parts are required on all materials regarding benefits and services as related to community nutrition programs, such as but not limited to: Promotional Literature Parent Handbooks Websites PNS – Nondiscrimination Statement
PNS Sponsors of community nutrition programs must convey the message of equal opportunity in all photographic and other graphics used to provide program information
PNS – Language Barriers All sponsors must have the capability of providing informational materials in the appropriate translation concerning the availability and nutritional benefits of the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
DATA COLLECTION Ethnic and racial information documented annually Maintain 3 years plus current year Documented annually in management plan
? WHY IS DATA NECESSARY ? The collection of racial and ethnic data allows the sponsor and the state agency to determine how effectively the program is reaching the diversity of a population and if outreach is needed.
TRAINING Sponsors must offer civil rights training to all people involved in their program: -staff -volunteers -contractors Training is required prior to the start of any program duties Everyone must be trained annually Sponsor must document civil rights training efforts
Civil Rights Complaints Sponsor Responsibilities Train staff in defined procedures to process a complaint Keep grievance procedure forms in accessible place Must accept either written or verbal complaints May NEVER impede participants ability to file Move complaint forward in a timely manner
Participant Rights Knowledge of all nondiscrimination information How to file a claim if they believe their civil rights have been violated A Claim may be filed up to 180 days following an alleged action or incident
Civil Rights Scenarios-Child Care Scenario: Participants whose first language is Spanish are asked to sit together at a Spanish-speaking table. Is this a civil rights issue?
Scenario - Answer Yes, even separating participants in recognition of an accomplishment in one of the six protected classes is considered discrimination.
Ultimately…….. “Do unto others as you would have done to you” The Golden Rule