Aims and objectives Hopefully by the end of this session you will know: What students spend their money on. How to differentiate between wants and needs. What money is available for students. How Student Loans work.
Activity 1 What do students spend their money on?
Food and drink Books and Equipment Clubs Sport TV Licence Housing deposit Clothing Travel home Toiletries and haircuts Telephone and Internet Social life Accommodation
Activity 2: Looking at wants and needs Wants Needs
List of Items RentCDs/DownloadsGoing to a gig TabletMake upToiletries Lunch (made yourself)Washing up liquidSports Equipment Lunch (McDonalds)SnacksClubs/societies Dinner (made yourself)HaircutTravel Dinner (restaurant)SportsTV Licence CinemaPaintballSwimming Computer GameTVPhone InternetNetflixGroceries IronCoffee with friendsClothing
Activity 3 What money is available for students?
Student Loan Bursaries Scholarships Parental contribution Part-time employment Savings
How it all works£400
£400 £300 £100
Conclusions You should now know: What students spend their money on. The difference between wants and needs. What money is available for students. How Student Loans work.
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